Shoshenq V

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Shoshenq V was the final king of the Twenty-second dynasty of Egypt of Meshwesh Libyans which controlled Lower Egypt. He was the son of Pami according to a Year 11 Serapeum stela from his reign. His throne name--Akheperre--means "Great is the Soul of Re." (Clayton: p.185)

The burial of 2 Apis Bulls occurred in Year 11 and Year 37 of his reign. Shoshenq V's highest Year date is an anonymous Year 38 stela created by the Libyan Chief Tefnakht of Sais which can only belong to his reign. He is thought to have died around 740 BC after a reign lasting 38 years. After his death, the Libyan 22nd Dynasty in the Egyptian Delta collapsed into various city states under the control of numerous local kinglets such as Tefnakht of Sais, Osorkon IV of Bubastis and Iuput II of Leontopolis.

[edit] Bibliography

  • Peter Clayton, Chronicle of the Pharaohs, Thames & Hudson Ltd, (1994)
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