Shire of Westonia

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Shire of Westonia
Western Australia
237 (2001 census)
Area: 3,304.4 km²
Mayor: Louis Geyer
Council Seat: Westonia
Region: Wheatbelt
State District: Merredin
Federal Division: Kalgoorlie
This article is about a local government area. For the town, see Westonia, Western Australia.

The Shire of Westonia is a Local Government Area of Western Australia based in the town of Westonia (31°18′S 118°42′E; post code: 6423). It covers an area of about 3,300 km² in the Eastern Wheatbelt region of Western Australia generally to the north of Great Eastern Highway about 310km east of the capital, Perth. It has a population of 237 (ABS 2001), about 100 of whom live in the town.

Although the Shire of Westonia is located in the Wheatbelt region, it is at the eastern limit of land suitable for wheat growing. The most important industries of Westonia today are wheat and sheep, but historically it is a gold mining area.


[edit] History

In 1916, the Westonia Road Board was gazetted from land previously within Merredin Road District. On 1 July 1961, it became the Shire Council following changes to the Local Government Act.[1]

[edit] Wards

The shire has been divided into 4 wards.

  • Town Ward (2 councillors)
  • North Ward (2 councillors)
  • Central Ward (3 councillors)
  • South Ward (2 councillors)

[edit] Towns

[edit] References

  1. ^ WA Electoral Commission, Municipality Boundary Amendments Register (release 2.0), 31 May 2003.

[edit] External links

Towns in the Wheatbelt of Western Australia

Southern Wheatbelt: Aldersyde | Arthur River | Brookton | Congelin | Cuballing | Darkan | Duranillin | Dwarda | Highbury | Kweda | Narrogin | North Bannister | Piesseville | Pingelly | Popanyinning | Quindanning | Wagin | Wandering | Williams | Yornaning

South Eastern Wheatbelt: Bendering | Bullaring | Corrigin | Dudinin | Dumbleyung | Harrismith | Holt Rock | Hyden | Jitarning | Karlgarin | Kondinin | Kukerin | Kulin | Lake Grace | Lake King | Newdegate | Pingaring | Tincurrin | Wickepin | Varley | Yealering

Local Government Areas of the Wheatbelt region of Western Australia

Beverley | Brookton | Bruce Rock | Chittering | Corrigin | Cuballing | Cunderdin | Dandaragan | Dalwallinu | Dowerin | Dumbleyung | Gingin | Goomalling | Kellerberrin | Kondinin | Koorda | Kulin | Lake Grace | Merredin | Moora | Mount Marshall | Mukinbudin | Narembeen | Narrogin (Town) (Shire) | Northam (Town) (Shire) | Nungarin | Pingelly | Quairading | Tammin | Toodyay | Trayning | Victoria Plains | Wagin | Wandering | West Arthur | Westonia | Wickepin | Williams | Wongan-Ballidu | Wyalkatchem | Yilgarn | York