Shire of Wandering

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Shire of Wandering
Western Australia
318 (2001 census)
Area: 1,900.8 km²
Mayor: Bruce Dowsett
Council Seat: Wandering
Region: Wheatbelt
State District: Avon
Federal Division: Pearce

The Shire of Wandering is a Local Government Area of Western Australia based in the town of Wandering (32°51′S 115°55′E; post code: 6308). It covers an area of about 1,900 km² in the Wheatbelt region of Western Australia generally to the east of Albany Highway about 120km south-east of the capital, Perth. It has a population of 318 (ABS 2001).


[edit] History

In 1874, the Wandering Road Board was gazetted. On 1 July 1961, it became the Shire Council following changes to the Local Government Act.[1]

[edit] Wards

The shire has been divided into 4 wards.

  • North Ward (2 councillors)
  • North East Ward (2 councillors)
  • South Ward (2 councillors)
  • Town Ward (1 councillor)

[edit] Towns/Localities

[edit] References

  1. ^ WA Electoral Commission, Municipality Boundary Amendments Register (release 2.0), 31 May 2003.

[edit] External links

Towns in the Wheatbelt of Western Australia

Southern Wheatbelt: Aldersyde | Arthur River | Brookton | Congelin | Cuballing | Darkan | Duranillin | Dwarda | Highbury | Kweda | Narrogin | North Bannister | Piesseville | Pingelly | Popanyinning | Quindanning | Wagin | Wandering | Williams | Yornaning

South Eastern Wheatbelt: Bendering | Bullaring | Corrigin | Dudinin | Dumbleyung | Harrismith | Holt Rock | Hyden | Jitarning | Karlgarin | Kondinin | Kukerin | Kulin | Lake Grace | Lake King | Newdegate | Pingaring | Tincurrin | Wickepin | Varley | Yealering

Local Government Areas of the Wheatbelt region of Western Australia

Beverley | Brookton | Bruce Rock | Chittering | Corrigin | Cuballing | Cunderdin | Dandaragan | Dalwallinu | Dowerin | Dumbleyung | Gingin | Goomalling | Kellerberrin | Kondinin | Koorda | Kulin | Lake Grace | Merredin | Moora | Mount Marshall | Mukinbudin | Narembeen | Narrogin (Town) (Shire) | Northam (Town) (Shire) | Nungarin | Pingelly | Quairading | Tammin | Toodyay | Trayning | Victoria Plains | Wagin | Wandering | West Arthur | Westonia | Wickepin | Williams | Wongan-Ballidu | Wyalkatchem | Yilgarn | York