Shinobi Shaw

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Shinobi Shaw

Shinobi Shaw
Whilce Portacio, Art

Publisher Marvel Comics
First appearance X-Factor#69 (August 1990)
Created by Chris Claremont
Alter ego Shinobi Shaw
Species Human Mutant
Affiliations Shaw Industries, Hellfire Club Inner Circle, Upstarts, Baron Zemo
Notable aliases Black King
Abilities Density control

Shinobi Shaw, also known as the second Black King, is a fictional character in the Marvel Comics Marvel Universe. He is a comic book supervillain, a foe of the X-Men and their affiliated teams. His first appearance was in X-Factor #69 (August 1990).


[edit] Character biography

Shinobi is thought to be the son of Sebastian Shaw, the leader of the Hellfire Club. Shinobi himself has been somewhat uncertain about this as his powers are more like the former Black Bishop of the Club, Harry Leland.

Shaw was a member of the Upstarts, a group made up of Siena Blaze, Graydon Creed, Fabian Cortez, Trevor Fitzroy and probationary members Andreas and Andrea Strucker (of Fenris). They were manipulated by the Gamemaster and originally Selene, but the group quickly turned against her. The group participated in an elaborate game, wherein they would hunt and kill assigned targets for points. During one of these games, the Upstarts targeted the surviving members of the New Mutants and the Hellions, but are defeated by the combined forces of X-Force and the New Warriors.

Shaw once attempted to kill his father, and initially believed himself successful (though his father would resurface later). Shaw was briefly able to take control of the Hellfire Club, assuming the mantle of Black King. Enjoying the luxury of the position, he was attended by many beautiful scantily clad female and male servants. Eager to return the Inner Circle to its former glory, Shaw approached Betsy Braddock and Warren Worthington, attempting to convince them to become a part of the Inner Circle. Both X-Men refused, however. He also tried to enlist Storm as a member, but she also refused.

Later, he worked with Spiral and Mindmeld as they experimented on Karma's siblings. Unfortunately, his personal assassin Clear-Cut betrayed Shinobi and aided X-Force in defeating him.

After his father returned to power, Shinobi disappeared, and his whereabouts are unknown.

In the recent X-Men: 198 Files, Shaw was confirmed as being one of a handful of mutants who retained their powers following House of M.

[edit] Powers and abilities

Shinobi is a mutant who can alter his body's density from diamond-hard to intangible. He usually uses it as a means of escape, but he can also use the intangibility to reach into an opponent's heart and induce a heart attack (obviously, this adversely affects the person whom he is "phasing" into, but has no adverse affects on Shaw himself). Shinobi Shaw considered himself a criminal mastermind of the highest order, but he did not demonstrate this well.

[edit] Trivia

  • Shinobi is another name for a ninja.
  • Shinobi had a finger cut off once but it was successfully re-attached.
  • Shinobi is bisexual, but prefers the company of women.

[edit] Bibliography

  • X-Force (1st series) #32-33 by Fabian Nicieza
  • New Warriors (1st series) #45-46 by Fabian Nicieza
  • X-Men (2nd series) #29 by Fabian Nicieza

[edit] External links