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Shiara in dragon form in Sojourn #9

Publisher CrossGen Entertainment
First appearance Sojourn
Created by Ron Marz, Greg Land
Alter ego Shiara
Species Dragon
Affiliations None
Abilities Dragon breath, Flying, Shape-change

Shiara is a fictional character, a shape-changer in CrossGen Comics' now defunct comic book series Sojourn. Shiara is a dragon that can take the form of an attractive young woman (or perhaps she is a woman who can take the form of a dragon).

The myth of a dragon that can take the form of a human is common in Chinese mythology.

[edit] Character Details

Shiara in human form is an attractive woman who likes to wear red clothing. In dragon form she is a mighty Red Dragon, one of the most powerful creatures on the planet.

caption=Shiara in human form

Shiara is hundreds of years old and has amassed a huge treasure horde. Like most dragons, Shiara always wants more treasure and the Bow of Ayden - which Arwyn carries - is one of the most valuable objects in the world. So she resolves to lure them into her lair and then kill them, thus adding the bow to her collection. However her plan goes awry when Gareth litterly stumbles across a magic sword called Serpent's Bane which is singularly effective against dragons. Gareth wounded Shiara badly enough to force her back into human form.

Shiara explained what she wanted (the bow) and Arwyn make bargin with her, together they would kill Mordath (the ruler of the lands) and then Shiara could have Ayden's bow. After a major battle, Mordath proved more powerful than the dragon and so Shiara was mortally wounded. With her last energy, the dragon flew Arwyn and Gareth back to her lair where she then died.