She Wants Money

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"She Wants Money"
Out of the Cellar
Song by Ratt
From the album Out of the Cellar
Album released March 1984
Recorded 1984
Genre Glam Metal
Song Length 3:04
Record label Atlantic Records
Producer Beau Hill
Out of the Cellar Album Listing
"In Your Direction"
Track 4
She Wants Money
Track 5
"Lack of Communication"

Track 6

She Wants Money is a song written and recorded by glam metal band Ratt. It is 3:04 long. The song was written by Ratt bassist Juan Croucier. It is the fifth track of their popular album Out of the Cellar. Although many fans and critics have regarded this song as a bit repetitive, but is an occasional fan favorite due to the song's catchy chorus and riffs.

[edit] Theme

The song's meaning is apparently about prostitution. Due to the repeating lines and chorus "She Wants Money". Also with the lines:

I try to tell her I don't have no cash
She looks at me and starts to laugh


It's so clear that even I can see
You wanna play, you've gotta pay

Which is obviously talking about the woman only wanting money in order to start selling her body.

[edit] Personnel

[edit] See also