Sharon Anderson-Gold

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Sharon Anderson-Gold is chair at the Science and Technology Studies Department at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

[edit] Background

Prior to becoming chair of the STS department in 2004, Dr. Anderson-Gold served as acting and associate dean of the Humanities and Social Sciences Department. Moreover, she was chair of the H&SS curriculum committee, and was the director of the First-Year Studies program (an interdisciplinary program for freshman taught by faculty). In 1999, Dr. Anderson-Gold became an STS faculty member. As a professor, she specialized in applied ethics and social/political philosophy.

Dr. Anderson-Gold has studied and is interested in the history of modern philosophy, Kantian ethics, bioethics, human rights, as well as social and political philosophy.

[edit] Published works

  • 2001 - Anderson-Gold, Sharon. Unnecessary Evil: History and Moral Development in the Philosophy of Immanuel Kant. State University of New York Press.
  • 2001 - Anderson-Gold, Sharon. Cosmopolitanism and Human Rights. University of Wales Press.
  • 2002 - Anderson-Gold, Sharon. Ambivalence and Identity in Black Culture. Race, Social Identity and Human Dignity, Vol. 16, Social Philosophy Today Book Series, ed. Cheryl Hughes, Philosophy Documentation Center (July 2002).
  • 2003 - Anderson-Gold, Sharon. Objectivity in Environmental Ethics. Truth and Objectivity in Social Ethics. Social Philosophy Today Vol. 18, ed. by Cheryl Hughes, Philosophy Documentation Center.
  • 2003 - Anderson-Gold, Sharon. Prophetic History. Geschichtsphilosophie, ed. by Johannes Rohbeck and Herta Nagl-Docekal. Darmstadt, Germany: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft (WBG).

[edit] External links