Shamus Inc.

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Shamus Inc. is a software consulting corporation based in Ottawa, Canada. Until September 2005 it was known only as Shamus or 825420672 Ontario. Shamus Inc's primary client during it's first year under as a corporation was Cre8Object Corp. Activity halted drastically in June 2006 when president Mike McNulty went MIA only to return a month later from a joyride in Europe. The company has been on hiatus since Mr McNulty's return and shareholders are have begun looking for buyers. Shareholders have seen [ROI] of more than 12000% through dividends in the 2005 fiscal year but this kind of return seems unindicative of the payoff in the forseeable future. Rumors have been spreading like wildfire in the tight knit high-tech community of Ottawa that Shamus' days may be numbered. However the chairman of the board firmly maintains that this is just a bump in the road for this company and that shareholders will do well holding onto their stock.