Shalom Zachor

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A Shalom Zachor (שלום זכור Hebrew) is celebrated by most Ashkenazim on the first Friday night after a baby boy is born.

It consists of light refreshments and takes place after the Friday night meal. Typically it takes place in the parents home or in the synagogue hall by Hasidim.

Jewish life topics
Birth: Shalom Zachor | Brit milah | Zeved habat | Hebrew name | Pidyon HaBen
Coming of Age: Upsherin | Wimpel | B'nai Mitzvah | Yeshiva
Daily Life: Ritual washing | Prayers and blessings | Grace After Meals
Marriage: Matchmaking | Role of women | Niddah | Mikvah | Tzeniut | Divorce | Feminism
Religion: 613 commandments | Customs | Torah study: Weekly portion; Daf Yomi | Jewish holidays | Tzedakah (Charity)
Religious Items: Sefer Torah | Tzitzit | Tallit | Tefillin | Mezuzah | Kippah | Chanukkiyah | Shofar
Cultural: Diaspora | Israel | Immigration into Israel | The Holocaust
v  d  e
Chevra Kadisha | Shiv'ah | Kaddish | Tehillim | Yahrzeit | Yizkor
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