Shaggy Man (comics)

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Shaggy Man is a DC Comics character, an indestructible hair-covered monster who fought the Justice League of America in the 1960s, and who was defeated only by being faced with his exact duplicate. General Wade Eiling uploaded his mind in his body.

[edit] Shaggy Man I

His first appearance was in Justice League of America #45. He was created by the insane Dr. Zagarian, the typical mad scientist that appeared as the main antagonists in DC Comics during the 1960s. His body was indestructible, and spliced with salamander DNA, regenerated in totality and almost immediately even if completely vaporized. The JLA failed to defeat him and instead, created a second shaggy man and buried the two in a pit, to fight it out for all eternity.

[edit] Shaggy Man II

The second Shaggy Man broke free later on, and was captured again, this time, lured onto a rocketship by Batman and fired into space.

The second Shaggy Man died during the Crisis on Infinite Earths.

He showed up again as part of the Ultramarine Corps storyline in the third volume of JLA. Upon retrieval of the Shaggy Man's body (whose rocket has presumably crashed to Earth), General Wade Eiling transplanted his mind into the Shaggy Man's body, as well as shaving off most of its hair (leaving it with a crew cut).

[edit] Other Media

Shaggy Man has appeared as The General in the Justice League Unlimited episode "Darkheart".