Shadia Simmons

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Shadia Simmons
Born June 28, 1986 (age 20)
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Height 5'3" (1.60 m)
Notable roles Corrine Baxter -
Strange Days at Blake Holsey High

Shadia Simmons (born June 28, 1986 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada) is a Canadian actress. She's been acting since the young age of eight. Her first movie was Moonlight and Valentino, where she played the daughter of Whoopi Goldberg. Shadia had always dreamed of working on a Disney movie when she was younger. She achieved that dream when she landed a role in A Saintly Switch. Simmons has starred in three TV series, Ace Lightning, My Best Friend is An Alien and Strange Days at Blake Holsey High.


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