Sgt. Byrd

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Sgt. James Byrd is a character in the Spyro the Dragon series. Introduced in Spyro: Year of the Dragon, he is "the world's only flying penguin", reason being he was raised by hummingbirds who taught him how to get airborne. After joining the Air Corps, he proceeded to help out in the war against the Sorceress. Previously, he was captured by her when he was spotted letting off rockets outside her fireworks factory but, is soon freed by Spyro after the latter pays a fair share of gems to the malicious Moneybags. Byrd owns two BTAM (Bird To Air Missile) launchers (In Year of the Dragon, he mentioned they were DVX-9 types) which he developed himself and with these mounted on his shoulders he causes havoc amongst his enemies. Clearly being a fine soldier with his English accent and military jargon, Sgt. Byrd will uncomplainingly head out on any mission to help Spyro, no matter how daring it is.

[edit] Trivia

  • In the game, Sgt. Byrd was voiced by Tom Kenny.
  • In the game Worms 4: Mayhem in the mission Nice to Siege You on the Infantry team there is a worm named Knight Byrd, this could be a reference to Sgt. Byrd.
  • In a humorous bit of irony it seems Sgt. Byrd is slightly afraid of heights. This is judging by a statement in Spyro: A Hero's Tail in a portion of the game that takes place in a city in the clouds where he says "Blast, we're really high up aren't we."
  • Sgt. Byrd lost his flying ablities, as shown when he uses a jet-pack in Spyro Orange and Spyro: A Hero's Tail
  • Sgt. Byrd's name is a parody of famous polar explorer Richard_E._Byrd

Spyro the Dragon • Ripto's Rage • Year of the Dragon • Enter the Dragonfly • The Cortex Conspiracy • A Hero's Tail • Shadow Legacy • A New Beginning

Spyro the Dragon