Sex organ

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A sex organ, or primary sexual characteristic, narrowly defined, is any of those anatomical parts of the body (which are not always bodily organs according to the strict definition) which are involved in sexual reproduction and constitute the reproductive system in a complex organism; namely:

The Latin term genitalia, sometimes anglicized as genitals, is used to describe the sex organs, and in the English language this term and genital area are most often used to describe the externally visible sex organs, known as primary genitalia or external genitalia: in males the penis and scrotum, in females the vulva.

The other sex organs are called the secondary genitalia or internal genitalia. An even wider notion, subjective but always prominently including the genitalia, is erogenous zones.

A gonad is a sex organ that produces gametes, specifically the testes or ovaries in humans.

Organs of sexual anatomy originate from a common anlage and differentiate into male or female sex organs. The SRY gene, usually located on the Y chromosome and encoding the testis determining factor, decides the direction of this differentiation. Each sexual organ in one sex has a homologous counterpart in the other one. See a list of homologues of the human reproductive system.

[edit] Anatomical terms related to sex

The following is a list of anatomical terms related to sex and sexuality:

[edit] See also

HEAD: Skull - ForeheadEyeEarNoseMouthTongueTeethJawFaceCheekChin

NECK: ThroatAdam's apple - Larynx

TORSO: ShouldersSpineChestBreastRibcageAbdomenBelly button

Sex organs (Penis/Scrotum/Testicle/Clitoris/Vagina/Ovary/Uterus) – HipAnusButtocks

LIMBS: ArmElbowForearmWristHandFinger (Thumb/Index/Middle/Ring/Little) – LegLapThighKneeCalfHeelAnkleFootToe (Hallux)

SKIN: Hair

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Human organ systems
Cardiovascular system | Digestive system | Endocrine system | Immune system | Integumentary system | Lymphatic system | Muscular system | Nervous system | Reproductive system | Respiratory system | Skeletal system | Urinary system