Seven Rays
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Originally presented by H. P. Blavatsky back in the nineteenth century, the Seven Rays is a metaphysical concept that is used within Theosophy and further developed by C. W. Leadbeater, Alice Bailey, Helena Roerich, Manly P. Hall, and many others in Theosophy based organizations [1] such as Agni Yoga, The "I AM" Activity, [2] The Bridge to Freedom [3] The Summit Lighthouse, [4] Share International, [5] The Temple of The Presence (1995), [6] and various other organizations. [7] The "Seven Rays" are said to be seven major types of Light-Substance (spirit/matter) (wave/particle) that compose the created universes. [8]
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[edit] Origin of the Concept
According to Alice A. Bailey, each person has a "soul ray" that remains the same through all their incarnations, and a "personality ray" that is different for each incarnation. Each ray is also governed by one of the Ascended masters ("Cosmic Masters of the Ancient Wisdom").
AAB stated the Seven Rays locally originate within the "Solar Logos", i.e., the consciousness of the Sun, and are regarded by Benjamin Creme as being focused to the Solar Logos from the "Galactic Logos" (the consciousness of the Milky Way Galaxy), and having their ultimate origin within the mind of God.
On the local planetary level, it is believed by those adherent to the Theosophical tradition that the Seven Rays are focused from the Solar Logos through the god of our planet, Sanat Kumara, to the "Cosmic Masters of the Ancient Wisdom" (also called the Ascended Masters or Great White Brotherhood) and from them to us, according to what ray we are on.
Each of the Seven Rays is believed to be associated with a different kind of occult energy, a different color (AAB assigned a different color of the Rainbow to each Ray), and governed by a different Cosmic Master of the Ancient Wisdom.
[edit] List of the Seven Rays
The Seven Rays are listed below:
Note: Alice A. Bailey and the Church Universal and Triumphant assign different colors and in some cases different Cosmic Masters to each of the seven rays. Each Cosmic Master is believed to also govern a city on the etheric plane above the geographical location shown after their name. The Church Universal and Triumphant colors, Cosmic Masters, and etheric cities (where different) are shown in parenthesis next to the colors and Cosmic Masters assigned to the Seven Rays by AAB. Also, each ray has a jewel which is believed to focus the energy of that ray, which is indicated. Lastly is mentioned the characteristic Magic considered by Theosophists to be most compatible with persons on that ray (although anyone of any ray can do any of these various types of magic).
- 1. FIRST RAY: ENERGY OF WILL--Blue RAY Cosmic Master El Morya. Etheric City above Darjeeling, India. Diamond. Focus of Will of magician.
- 2. SECOND RAY: ENERGY OF LOVE-WISDOM--Indigo RAY (Yellow Ray) Cosmic Master Kuthumi (Lanto). Etheric City above Shigatse, Tibet (Grand Teton (mountain range), Wyoming). Sapphire. Raja Yoga (Development of Mind).
- 3. THIRD RAY: ENERGY OF CREATIVE INTELLIGENCE--Green RAY (Pink Ray) Cosmic Master Paul the Venetian. Etheric City above Provence (Area in southern France). Emerald. Astrology (Natural Magnetic Forces).
- 4. FOURTH RAY: ENERGY OF HARMONY THROUGH CONFLICT--Yellow RAY (White Ray) Cosmic Master Serapis Bey. Etheric City above Luxor, Egypt. Jasper. Hatha Yoga (physical development).
- 5. FIFTH RAY: ENERGY OF CONCRETE SCIENCE--Orange RAY (Green Ray) Cosmic Master Master Hilarion. Etheric City above island of Crete, Greece. Topaz. Alchemy (Manipulation of Material Substances).
- 6. SIXTH RAY: ENERGY OF LOVE-DEVOTION--Red RAY (Purple and Gold Ray) Cosmic Master Jesus (Nada). Etheric City above Mount Lebanon, Lebanon. (Rub-al-Khali(desert), Saudi Arabia). Ruby. Bhakti Yoga(Selfless Service and Altruistic Love [agape]).
- 7. SEVENTH RAY: ENERGY OF CEREMONIAL ORDER--Violet RAY Cosmic Master Count of St Germain. Etheric City above Transylvania, Romania. Amethyst. Ceremonial magic (Invocation of Elementals, and Devas.)
[edit] Using the Seven Rays in Magical Work
To use the Seven Rays within the system of White Magic (Alice A. Bailey) developed by Alice A. Bailey, it is said the first step is to determine what Ray you are on. It is believed the way to do this is to buy a book about the Seven Rays, read it, and meditate on it. Then, after a few weeks, it is believed one can determine one's "soul ray" and "personality ray" (see "Origin of the Concept" above), which are usually different but could be the same.
The next step is said to be to develop a connection with one's Cosmic Master through meditation and ritual. Normally, one would develop a connection with one's "soul ray" Master when meditating and with one's "personality ray" Master when performing magical rituals. It is believed that wearing the color and/or jewel associated with one's ray is helpful in focusing the cosmic energy of that ray.
It is believed by those adherent to Theosophy and the groups derived from it listed above that it is possible for White Magic (Alice A. Bailey) adepts to spiritually travel on the etheric plane to the Etheric City of their Cosmic Master in order to be given instructions by their Cosmic Master or one of their etheric assistants on how they can best serve what Alice A. Bailey called the "Plan of the Masters" for the continual advancement of human beings on Earth to higher Levels of Initiation (Theosophy). In the Church Universal and Triumphant, meditation exercises are taught which are thought to enable members to go to the "retreats" (etheric cities) to receive instructions from the Ascended masters while they sleep.
[edit] Notes
- ^ Kazlev, M. Alan. Schools of Theosophy.
- ^ Saint Germain Foundation. The History of the "I AM" Activity and Saint Germain Foundation. Schaumburg, Illinois: Saint Germain Press 2003
- ^ Partridge, Christopher ed. New Religions: A Guide: New Religious Movements, Sects and Alternative Spiritualities Oxford University Press, USA 2004. Describes the Theosophical Society and religious organizations based on a belief in Ascended Masters, such as The I AM Activity, The Bridge to Freedom and The Summit Lighthouse.
- ^ Lewis, James R. Church Universal and Triumphant in Scholarly Perspective Center For Academic Publication 1994.
- ^ Creme, Benjamin. The Ageless Wisdom Teaching Share International Foundation 1996. This book presents an introduction to that great body of wisdom underlying the spiritual teachings of all groups throughout the ages.
- ^ White Paper - Wesak World Congress 2002. Acropolis Sophia Books & Works 2003.
- ^ Braden, Charles S. These Also Believe MacMillan Publishing Company 2000. The classic study of minority religions in the United States of America.
- ^ Carson, Reed. Blavatsky' Foreknowledge of The Wave/Particle Duality of Light 1997. It would also be incorrect to claim light is fully explained as a particle. Rather it has a dual nature possessing the properties of both wave and particle. In general, electromagnetic radiation acts more like waves in the radio wave end of the spectrum, more like particles in the x-ray end of the spectrum, and usually (but not always) like a wave in the "middle" light area of the spectrum in our everyday experience. Her ambiguity, then, reflects a fact in nature, the wave/particle duality of nature.
[edit] Further reading
- Abraham, Kurt. "Introduction to the Seven Rays" School for the Study of the Seven Rays, Lampus Press: 1986.
- Abraham, Kurt. "Threefold Method for Understanding the Seven Rays." School for the Study of the Seven Rays, Lampus Press, 1984.
- Abraham, Kurt. "Great Souls: The Seven Rays at the Soul Level" School for the Study of the Seven Rays, Lampus Press, 2002.
- Bailey, Alice A. The Seven Rays of Life New York: 1995--Lucis Publishing Co. Compilation from all the Alice A. Bailey books of material about the Seven Rays.
- Creme, Benjamin Maitreya's Mission Amsterdam: 1986 - Share International Foundation.
- Hodson, Geoffrey The Seven Human Temperaments Adyar, Madras, India: 1952--The Theosophical Publishing House.
- Leadbetter, C.W. The Masters and the Path Adyar, Madras, India: 1925--The Theosophical Publishing House. (Chart on P. 229 lists Characteristic Magic of each Ray.)
- "Kuthumi" - claimed to have been released through Mark Prophet Studies of the Human Aura Colorado Springs, Colorado: 1975 - Summit University Press. Chart on pages 120-121 of the Seven Rays from the perspective of the The Summit Lighthouse.
- Wood, Ernest The Seven Rays Wheaton, Illinois, U.S.A.: 1925--Theosophical Publishing House
[edit] See also
- Alice A. Bailey
- Ascended master
- Church Universal and Triumphant
- The "I AM" Activity
- Initiation (Theosophy)
- Sanat Kumara
- Theosophy
- White Magic (Alice A. Bailey)
[edit] External links
- [1] Basic Ideas of Theosophy, including the Seven Rays
- [2] Deeper discussion of the Seven Rays