Seven-Eleven Doubles
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Seven-Eleven Doubles, also known as Sloppy Dice, is a drinking game usually played by 2-6 people. The players sit around a table with a glass in the center. At the beginning of each turn, the glass is filled with the desired amount of alcohol, which varies greatly depending on the players. One player rolls two dice attempting to roll a seven, eleven, or doubles. If the player doesn't do this, the next person repeats the process. When a seven, eleven, or doubles is rolled, the player selects another person to drink. The chosen person must drink the alcohol and slam it down to the table while the original roller rolls the dice. If the drinker finishes before another seven, eleven, or doubles is rolled, play passes to the next person. The consequences should the drinker fail to complete the drink vary, one variant has the player finishing the drink and starting a completely fresh glass, and others simply requiring the glass to be topped up. Play continues in this fashion until players decide to quit, as there is no way of "winning" the game, other then being the last person who wishes to continue.
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[edit] Special Rules
- The roller cannot touch the dice until the drinker has touched the glass of alcohol. If they do, the roller must instead drink the glass, and play passes to the next player. This does not prohibit the roller from using other ways of getting the dice close to them(using a beer bottle is a common strategy). Because of this rule, "faking out" rollers is generally done in an attempt to confuse them into touching the dice.
- In extreme circumstances, another person may drink the glass when another player was chosen. If this occurs, this person must now race against the roller, and should he or she lose, he or she is now subject to drinking again, instead of the original person picked. This rule is only used in cases in which a person chosen has been picked a lot during the game and is having a difficult time continuing, or, more often, when a person has had to drink multiple times in one turn as the result of the roller continually beating them. This rule is used sparingly, as its overuse tends to make the game less fun.
- Some games include a "shot rule". This game is played with 3 dice, but only two dice are regularly rolled. If someone rolls doubles, they then roll the third die. A triple allows the roller to pick anyone to take a shot of hard alcohol (which is considered a "free drink", as the drinker doesn't race against the dice, and the dice are passed to the next player). If the third die is not the same as the first two, the regular rules apply.
- Other variants exist which can be used in order to make the game less alcohol intensive and thus generally longer lasting. These include reducing useful rolls to doubles only, or to doubles and eleven, rather than the full doubles, seven and eleven which make it much more likely the drinker will have to drink multiple glasses before his or her turn ends. Reducing the winning rolls to only doubles means there's a 1/6 chance of a useful roll, as opposed to the 14/36 chance of such a roll with the original rules.
[edit] A Simular Game know as THUNDERDOME
- Thunderdome (drinking game)
[edit] The rules to THUNDERDOME are as follows:
[edit] Rolling
1. Fill a Double Old Fashion glass (10.5 ounces) about half way with beer.
2. Place the glass in the middle of a table (preferably round).
3. Take turns rolling dice moving clockwise around the table.
4. If you roll something other than 7, 11 or doubles the next person rolls.
- If you roll a 7 the person to your left drinks
- If you roll an 11 the person to your right drinks
- If you roll doubles you pick who drinks (can’t be yourself)
[edit] Drinking
1. Once someone rolls 7, 11 or doubles the appropriate person must drink the glass in the middle as fast as possible.
- Once they touch the glass whomever last rolled will roll the dice repeatedly until they get a 7, 11 or doubles
NOTE: It is not considered touching glass if you use a tool to move the glass.
- If all the beer is drunk and the glass is set back down before the roller can get a 7, 11 or doubles the glass is refilled, put back in the center and the dice are passed to the next player to began a new set of rolling
- If the roller gets a 7, 11 or doubles once before the glass is sat back down on the table and then stops rolling the glass will be refilled to the half way point and the drinker will drink again while the roller rolls again.
- If the roller gets a 7, 11 or doubles twice before the glass is sat back down on the table and then stops rolling this is a Thunderdome (everyone yells Thunderdome). The drinker must now drink a full glass (no time limit) and then the glass is refilled to the half way point and the drinker will drink again while the roller rolls again.
- If the roller gets a 7, 11 or doubles three times before the glass is sat back down on the table and then stops rolling, this is called a Superdome to the roller. The drinker must now Bong a full beer and then the glass is refilled to the half way point and the drinker will drink again while the roller rolls again.
NOTE: If no beer bong is accessible then the drinker must shotgun a beer or take a shot.
- If the roller gets a 7, 11 or doubles four or more times before the glass is sat back down on the table then the drinker is a little picka and they should be instructed to go play a casual drinking game (like beer pong).
[edit] Penalty Drinks
1. Penalty drinks are a half full Double Old Fashion glass and are given for the following reasons:
- The roller continues rolling after he/she gets a 7, 11 or doubles and does not obtain another drinking number before the glass is set back down. As long as the dice are out of the rollers hand before the glass touches the table the role is counted.
- The roller does not roll at all before the glass is sat back down.
- A player is absent from the table when it is their turn (they are also skipped).
Note: If a player leaves the table then the remaining players may quicken their drinking place and skip the person multiple times thus giving the absent player multiple drinks upon return.
- Someone roles one or both dies off the table.
- If you catch the die yourself you do not have a penalty drink.
- Someone spills beer.
- Someone tries to cheat by using a straw and claiming that they are not touching the glass.
- If someone punches someone else in the forehead then he/she is given 20 penalty drinks to be drunk with everyone punching him in the stomach
- Someone receives a “Prick call”
- A prick call can be given to anyone at anytime by the playing population. A nomination for a Prick call is made by anyone (simply yell “Prick call” and point to someone) and the players vote to approve it.
Note: If the vote is that the called player is not a Prick then the caller is given a penalty drink.
[edit] Drink Stealing
1. A player may steal a drink from any player at any time (as long as they aren’t the roller)
- By stealing a drink you become the drinker for the remainder of that rolling/drinking series (unless someone steals from you).
2. Typical reasons for stealing drinks
- The person picked for drinking looks like their going to puke.
- You are trying to catch the roller off guard.
- You’re thirsty
- You are proven to be a picka and need to redeem yourself
- To impress the ladies
[edit] Blocking Rules
1. If he/she is quick enough then a player can try to block the drinker or the roller by positioning their body strategically so as to hinder the roller/drinker from accessing the dice/glass.
2. The blocker must not touch either the other player’s targeted object or the other player themselves.
3. A blocker can get quite annoying so feel free to call Prick Call.
[edit] Miscellaneous Rules
1. If a player enters the game after everyone else has started playing then the entry fee is either bonging a beer or taking a shot of hard liquor.
2. If a player has to leave the game before the game is over then they must either bong a beer or take a shot of hard liquor.
3. The game ends whenever the players decide to stop. This usually happens under the following circumstances:
- Someone pukes on the table
- People get too drunk to play
- The players run out of beer
- Everyone decides it would be fun to go the bars
- Death