Serving channel

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A serving channel (sometimes called depot channel) is a slang term for a file sharing channel found on an IRC network. Users can, via search commands, download and share files. Serving channels can be found on all the major IRC networks.


[edit] Searching

In the serving channel, a user can type the search command, followed by a search string. Wildcard character such as "*" can be used in the search string to simplify a search. If any other users on the channel have a matching file, the command will return a list of matches to the user's query window. Various search commands exist, ie.. @find or @search

  • ex.: "@find <artist name>"

[edit] Serving

Using a serving script, users have the ability to share any number of files including photos, videos, and audio files. These scripts create an archive of available files, commonly called simply a "list" due to the .txt format that the script's output code creates. To request another user's list, there is a separate trigger used.

  • ex.: "@<username>"

[edit] Requesting

If the user finds the requested file, the next step is to request that file. The user can normally copy and paste the file name to the channel window, with a basic trigger command. The request is then placed in a file queue, and downloaded on a first come, first serve basis.

  • ex.: "!<username> <filename.ext>"

[edit] See also

[edit] External links