Self-descriptive number

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A self-descriptive number is an integer m that in a given base b is b-digits long in which each digit d at position n (the most significant digit being at position 0 and the least significant at position b - 1) counts how many instances of digit d are in m.

For example, in base 10, the number 6210001000 is self-descriptive because it has six 0s, two 1s, one 2, one 6, and no 3s, 4s, 5s, 7s, 8s or 9s.

There are no self-descriptive numbers in bases 2, 3 or 6. In bases 7 and above, there is, if nothing else, a self-descriptive number of the form (b − 4)b − 1 + 2bb − 2 + bb − 3 + b4, which has b - 4 instances of the digit 0, two instances of the digit 1, one instance of the digit 2, one instance of digit b - 4, and no instances of any other digits. The following table lists some self-descriptive numbers in a few selected bases:

Base Self-descriptive numbers Values in base 10
4 1210, 2020 100, 136
5 21200 1425
7 3211000 389305
8 42101000 8946176
9 521001000 225331713
10 6210001000 6210001000
16 C210000000001000 13983676842985394176
36 W21000 ... 0001000
(Ellipsis omits 23 zeroes)
Approx. 2.14349 × 1053

Sloane's (sequence A108551 in OEIS) lists a few more self-descriptive numbers.

From the numbers listed in the table, it would seem that all self-descriptive numbers have digit sums equal to their base, and that they're multiples of that base.

That a self-descriptive number in base b must be a multiple of that base can be proven ad absurda as follows: assume that there is in fact a self-descriptive number m in base b that is b-digits long but not a multiple of b. The digit at position b - 1 must be at least 1, meaning that there is at least one instance of the digit b - 1 in m. At whatever position x that digit b - 1 falls, there must be at least b - 1 instances of digit x in m. Therefore, we have at least one instance of the digit 1, and b - 1 instances of x. If x > 1, then m has more than b digits, leading to a contradiction of our initial statement. And if x = 0 or 1, that also leads to a contradiction.

The concept of self-descriptive numbers is similar to that of autobiographical or curious numbers, except that there is no digit length requirement for autobiographical numbers. (Sloane's A046043 lists base 10 autobiographical numbers). Self-descriptive numbers are like self numbers only in that they're both base-dependent concepts.

[edit] External references