Select Committee on Reserves (Reserve 43131) Bill 2003
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The Select Committee on Reserves (Reserve 43131) Bill 2003 is an Australian select committee that investigated the eviction of the Swan Valley Nyungah Community (SVNC) from their traditional land through the use of the Reserves (Reserve 43131) Bill 2003. It investigated the motives of the Western Australian Gallop government in proposing and passing the bill.
[edit] Background
The Nyungah Aboriginal peoples have made attempts to reclaim their traditional land since 1919 when the Guildford Aboriginals were transhipped to the Moore River native settlement. Robert Bropho, an Aboriginal elder, and his extended family campaigned vigorously for the right to occupy the area which presently takes in Reserve 43131. The SVNAC was established in 1977 [1] and under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 they were given control of the reserve.
On February 12, 1999 a 15 year old Aboriginal woman named Susan Taylor committed suicide in the reserve [2] and on October 22–30 2001 a coronial inquiry was held. The inquest investigated the circumstances in which Susan Taylor and other Aboriginal young people lived. It accepted evidence that rape and sexual abuse of Aboriginal minors was widespread in Western Australia; that sexually transmitted diseases were higher than with non-Aboriginal children; that Aboriginal mortality rates are many times higher than that of the non-Aboriginal community and that drug taking with Aboriginal people was a major problem. The Coroner also heard evidence "regarding alleged sexual abuse taking place in locations near the Reserve by Caucasian males providing paint or glue to young people for sexual favours. Allegations were also made against Robert Bropho of sexual misconduct, involving Susan Taylor and her mother Lena Spratt. An allegation of indecent assault made by Susan Taylor against Robert Bropho’s son, Richard Bropho, was not pursued due to her death and a lack of corroborating evidence. Robert and Richard Bropho have strenuously denied these allegations." (2.28, page 57, Select Committee) The coroner found that government departments should not be restricted from Aboriginal reserves due to the alleged situation of abuse in Aboriginal communities. Allegations were also made that Robert Bropho had stopped the Aboriginal Medical Service from visiting the reserve due to the death of an infant, and in 1996 had also stopped the Department of Family and Children’s Services after a child had disclosed inappropriate touching by older boys.
[edit] Gordon Inquiry
In the aftermath of the coronial inquiry, the Western Australian government established an inquiry entitled Inquiry into Response by Government Agencies to Complaints of Family Violence and Child Abuse in Aboriginal Communities [3], or better known as the Gordon Inquiry after the chairwoman, Sue Gordon. It was held on November 28, 2001 by the Premier of Western Australia, Dr Geoff Gallop. Its terms of reference were to examine the way that "Government agencies dealt with issues of violence and child sexual abuse at the Swan Valley Nyoongar community"; to examine "how State Government agencies respond to evidence of family violence and child sexual abuse that may be occurring in Aboriginal communities generally" and to give "recommendations on practical solutions for addressing incidents of sexual abuse in Aboriginal communities, including any necessary legislative and administrative measures" (pg xx, Gordon Inquiry).