Section d'Or

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The Section d'Or was a Paris-based collective of Cubist painters that was active from 1912 to around 1914.

Originating as offshoot of Cubism, the movement began with an exhibition at the Galerie La Boetie in Paris in 1912, which was also accompanied by publication of the magazine Da Cubisme. In addition to featuring works by the Duchamp brothers, Raymond and Marcel, other exhibitors included artists such as Archipenko, de La Fresnaye, Gleizes, Gris, Léger, Metzinger, Picabia and Villon amongst others. The opening address was given by Guillaume Apollinaire.

The group's title was suggested by Jacques Villon, after reading a 1910 translation of Leonardo da Vinci's Trattato della Pittura by Josephin Peladan. Peladan attached great mystical significance to the Golden Section (French: Section d'Or), and other similar geometric configurations. For Villon this symbolised his belief in order and the significance of mathematical proportions, because it reflected patterns and relationships occurring in nature.

The onset of World War I in 1914 largely ended the group's activities, which had never been much more than a loose association.

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