Secrets of the Cryptkeeper's Haunted House

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Secrets of the Cryptkeeper’s Haunted House is a Saturday-morning game show that ran on CBS. It featured the Cryptkeeper of Tales from the Crypt (with John Kassir as the voice) now serving as an announcer.

[edit] Game summary

Two teams of kids, each wearing a different color shirt, competed in five events. Four of them were a constant, with the fourth event varying from one week to the next.

  • Fireball Alley had one member of each team defending a set of six headstones from the fireballs of the computer-generated skull named Digger. For any that remained, Digger would ask both teammates a rapport question.
  • Worminator required both players to cross a wind tunnel while exchanging balls at three strategic points. Any dropped balls would be vaporized and no longer in play. At the end of the tunnel was a pair of bins; every ball deposited into either bin netted the team 10 points.
  • The Incredible Shrinking Room required teams to find the missing letter in each of six words within 40 seconds. They needed to collect the appropriate tiles, place them in their proper slots and shout out the word at the very top of the list. However, the wall and ceiling would close in on the team with several seconds remaining, thus making it important to get all of the words beforehand.
  • Skullduggery was the endgame of the day. One member of each team enters the haunted house one last time in search of skulls. When they re-emerge from the house, the players must stack all the skulls onto a large skewer. Whoever finds the most skulls wins 50 points, and often the game. If both teams have the same number of skulls, whomever completes their skewer faster wins.

[edit] Fourth-round games

  • Ghost Battle required only one player from each team to compete. They met up with the skull from Fireball Alley to engage in a joust. However, the player needed to strike the skull's shield to score. If a player made five hits on the shield, that scored five points.
  • Endless Hallway required one player to walk on the equivalent of a treadmill for 75 seconds. It was this player's job to walk through the hall and take note of the various items encountered. The teammate, waiting outside, was presented with five different Match Game-style blanks to fill in. Upon being told what item was encountered in the hallway, it was the teammate's job to match the item to the corresponding blank.