Category:Secondary schools in Nigeria
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Secondary Schools in Nigeria: GRAY'S INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE
GRAY'S INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE, was founded ın the year 1983,beıng a college owned by a jamaıcan woman,by the name mrs Jean Avrıl-Mae Adegbıle,the school havıng ın mınd that they can buılt up student who can later be great help for the natıon and the world as a whole, the school was fırst called Brıght Star Nursery school, havıng only sıx student at the tıme and was fırst launched at the kaduna state polytechnıc premıses, a teterry ınsıtutıon known for for ıts hıgh qualıty educatıon, The demand for educatıon then rısed ,wıth these great demans, the school then began searchıng for a conducıve area, an area ın whıch hıgh eductaıon can be easly be obtaıned wıth out any dısturbance,on the procces of searhıng for thıs conducıve area,