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Seal or SEAL may refer to articles connected to a variety of meanings:-

[edit] A marine mammal

  • Seal, a large marine mammal (from Anglo-Saxon seolh): see pinniped; within them are three main groups:
    • Earless seals (or true seals), members of the family Phocidae
    • Eared seals (or walking seals), members of the family Otariidae, which includes:
  • Seal hunting, both personal and commercial hunting of seals
  • Seal brown is a rich dark brown color RGB(50, 20, 20) (from the colour of dyed Fur seal fur)

[edit] Fixing or closing to give a tight fit

  • Seal (mechanical), a device to contain pressure, or exclude contamination from an enclosure. (Derived from "seal {device)" when used to fasten a document shut.)
  • Bridgman seal, named after Percy Williams Bridgman, seals a high pressure volume by the use of an unsupported area to create a higher pressure between two pistons
  • Rotating face mechanical seal, a type of seal used in rotating equipment such as pumps and compressors
  • Diaphragm seal, a flexible membrane that seals and isolates an enclosure
  • Bodok seal, a specialised washer that ensures an air-tight seal between the regulator of an anaesthetic machine and a gas cylinder

[edit] Symbol of authentication

  • Seal (device), a device used to produce an official stamp as a symbol of authority, or the impression left by a seal in sealing wax. (Origin: Latin sigillum = "small symbol", a diminutive of signum)
  • Cylinder seal, cylinder engraved with a picture story, used in ancient times to roll an impression onto a sheet of wet clay
  • Great Seal of the United States used since 1782 to authenticate some documents issued by the United States government
  • Great Seal of the Realm, a British institution for authorising the monarch's official documents a personal signature
  • Great Seal of Scotland allows the monarch to authorise documents without signing
  • Imperial Seal of Japan, called 菊の御紋 in Japanese, meaning "Noble Symbol of Chrysanthemum"
  • Lord Privy Seal or Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal is one of the traditional sinecure offices of state in the United Kingdom
  • Knights Templar Seal used to validate documents approved by the order
  • Seal of Solomon, a legendary magical signet ring said to have belonged to King Solomon
  • LMLK seal, stamped on handles of large storage jars around Jerusalem about 700 BC
  • Nintendo Seal of Quality is a gold seal used by Nintendo to show that a game is properly licensed to run on their game consoles

[edit] As a person's name

[edit] As a place name

Some of these names referred originally to the marine mammal.

[edit] As an acronym

[edit] Ships

  • HMS Seal (N37), a submarine of the Royal Navy
  • USS Seal has been used as the name of two submarines of the United States Navy
  • Red seal ships (朱印船), Japanese armed merchant sailing ships with a red-sealed patent (early 17th century)

[edit] In computers

  • SEAL, an open source Graphical User Interface for DOS ([1])
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