ISO 3166-2:SE

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ISO 3166-2:SE

ISO 3166-2:SE is an ISO standard which defines geocodes: it is the subset of ISO 3166-2 which applies to Sweden. It covers the 21 Counties, or län. The first part is the ISO 3166-1 code SE. The second part of the code, which is used domestically, is alphabetic 1-digit, except three cases which are 2-digit.

The ordering is based on a geographical "path" starting in Stockholm and then passing clockwise through the counties of southern Sweden and finally the northern counties.

[edit] Codes

Sorted by Code Sorted by name
SE-AB Stockholm
SE-AC Västerbotten
SE-BD Norrbotten
SE-C Uppsala
SE-D Södermanland
SE-E Östergötland
SE-F Jönköping
SE-G Kronoberg
SE-H Kalmar
SE-I Gotland
SE-K Blekinge
SE-M Skåne
SE-N Halland
SE-O Västra Götaland
SE-S Värmland
SE-T Örebro
SE-U Västmanland
SE-W Dalarna
SE-X Gävleborg
SE-Y Västernorrland
SE-Z Jämtland
Blekinge SE-K
Dalarna SE-W
Gotland SE-I
Gävleborg SE-X
Halland SE-N
Jämtland SE-Z
Jönköping SE-F
Kalmar SE-H
Kronoberg SE-G
Norrbotten SE-BD
Skåne SE-M
Stockholm SE-AB
Södermanland SE-D
Uppsala SE-C
Värmland SE-S
Västerbotten SE-AC
Västernorrland SE-Y
Västmanland SE-U
Västra Götaland SE-O
Örebro SE-T
Östergötland SE-E
Note: Swedish sorting order: A - Z, Å, Ä, Ö.

[edit] See also

  • ISO 3166-2, the reference table for all country region codes.
  • ISO 3166-1, the reference table for all country codes, as used for domain names on the internet.