Screen pass

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A screen pass or a shuttle pass is a type of "trick play" in American football, much like a draw. During a screen pass, many things are going on at the same time in order to fool the defense into thinking a long pass is being thrown, when in fact the pass is merely a short one, just beyond the defensive linemen. Screens are usually deployed against aggressive defenses that rush the passer. Because screens invite the defense to rush the quarterback, it leaves fewer defenders behind the rushers to stop the play.

A screen pass can be effective, but it also can be risky because it is rather easy for a defensive player, even a lineman, to intercept this short pass if a defender gets in between the quarterback and the intended receiver. If the pass is intercepted, there are often few offensive players in front of the intercepting player, thus making it much easier for the intercepting team to earn a large return or to score a touchdown.

[edit] Why a screen pass?

An important trick of the quarterback is called a "screen pass." If the defense is rushing with great success and causing him a lot of problems, the quarterback will use several screen passes to slow down the defensive rush. In the screen pass, a couple of the offensive linemen will pull away from the line and run out to one side of the field. This will often be the center and a guard. The running back will also run to that same side of the field, perhaps ten feet behind the offensive linemen. Because the two linemen pulled, there is an unprotected path to the quarterback and there will almost certainly be a couple of drooling and slathering defensive linemen running unabated at the quarterback, visions of ambulances dancing in their heads. The quarterback's job is to backpedal as quickly as he can, drawing these two linemen and hopefully a linebacker or two in his direction. Just a fraction of a second before they can hit him, the quarterback will toss the ball to the waiting running back, who can now lumber up the field with 700 pounds of offensive linemen in front of him to protect him. This play, if executed well, will often go for a 15 to 30 yard gain, which is a big black eye for the defense. After a couple of these plays, when the defensive linemen break through the offensive line they will hesitate and look to their sides to see if they are being tricked. So the screen pass is a useful tool to slow down the pass rush.

[edit] Offensive action during a screen pass play

  • The quarterback drops back as if he's going to pass.
  • The offensive line sets up in pass protection for usually one to two seconds, then releases and lets the defensive line go.
  • The person receiving the screen pass will move behind the releasing linemen and wait for the ball.
  • The outside receivers run clear-out routes in order to make a path for the screen coming behind them.

If run properly, the defensive backs will be run out of the play by the receivers, and the defensive line will penetrate too far to stop the short pass from being thrown. The only defenders left will be linebackers, which will be picked up by the "screen" of offensive linemen in front of the receiver--hence the name "screen pass."

[edit] Types of screen pass plays

There are different types of screens that can be thrown, such as:

  • The "conventional" screen to the running back, which follows the action described above. This type of play is something of a scripted checkdown.
  • A tight end screen where the tight end takes the place of the running back in the above description.
  • The wide receiver screen (or "jailbreak screen"), where the linemen sprint out in front of the wide receiver catching the screen pass. However, the blocking may be as simple as one receiver blocking ahead of another.
  • The "quarterback throwback" screen, where the quarterback will pitch to a running back and run the opposite direction, with releasing linemen in front of him. The running back will then "throw it back" to the quarterback, with offensive linemen leading him downfield.
  • The "middle screen", which has the same type of action as a "conventional" screen, but the linemen remain in the middle of the field rather than releasing to either side. This is also known as a "shovel pass".