Scratchware Manifesto

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The Scratchware Manifesto is a statement of purpose, written by several computer game developers in the summer of 2000. Their intent was to call out those companies and individuals they claimed were harming the game industry with their questionable business practices and development policies, hopefully bringing a new generation of game development and developers into the industry with the right ideas in mind; to create glorious, moving pieces of entertainment; and to develop games in a fashion that has been lost in the last 5 years.

The Scratchware Manifesto is supposedly a document in the public domain, free to use and add to by anyone intent on spreading the word.

Scratchware is a term coined in the Scratchware Manifesto in reference to video games. If the game has original content, offers great gameplay and replayability, has a professional look, is bug free, costs $25 or less for the complete program, and was made by three people or less, it is scratchware.

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