Scott Kennedy

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Scott Kennedy

[edit] Business

Scott Kennedy is the former owner and president of the following Seattle-based companies:

  • Axcelis, Inc, responsible for developing Evolver, the first commercial genetic algorithm package for personal computers.
  • BitStar International, developer of BrainSheet neural network system.
  • The Drinkmore Cafe, neighborhood coffee shop and Wi-Fi internet lounge on Capitol Hill, Seattle.
  • Big Bang, a professional recording studio in Pioneer Square, Seattle
  • a web-based community posting service.

[edit] Education

Scott Kennedy is a graduate from the College of Wooster. He majored in Communications Studies and graduated in 1989. His senior independent study topic was The Impact of Interactive Learning and Brain Laterality on the Training of Spatial Skills. While at Wooster, he participated in several extra curriculars, including the First Section Service Organization.

[edit] Political Ambitions

In 2001, Scott Kennedy ran for Mayor of Seattle. He performed well, coming in 5th out of 11 candidates in the non-partisan primary. His campaign focused on the issues of affordable housing, transportation, environmental health, and accountability.

Kennedy supported the 2005 Seattle Monorail Initiative, and is currently working on voter reform in Washington State.