Score test

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The score test is a statistical test of a simple null hypothesis (that the parameter of interest θ is equal to some particular value θ0):

\left(\frac{\partial \log L(\theta | x)}{\partial \theta}\right)_{\theta=\theta_0} \geq C

Where L is the likelihood function, θ0 is the value of the parameter of interest under the null hypothesis, and C is a constant set depending on the size of the test desired (i.e. the probability of rejecting H0 if H0 is true; see Type I error).

The score test is the most powerful test for small deviations from H0. To see this, consider testing θ = θ0 versus θ = θ0 + h. By the Neyman-Pearson lemma, the most powerful test has the form

\frac{L(\theta_0+h|x)}{L(\theta_0|x)} \geq K

Taking the log of both sides yields

\log L(\theta_0 + h | x ) - \log L(\theta_0|x) \geq \log K

The score test follows making the substitution

\log L(\theta_0+h|x) \approx \log L(\theta_0|x) + h\times  \left(\frac{\partial \log L(\theta | x)}{\partial \theta}\right)_{\theta=\theta_0}

and identifying the C above with log(K).

[edit] Multiple Parameters

A more general score test can be derived when there is more than one parameter. Suppose that \hat{\theta}_0 is the Maximum Likelihood estimate of θ under the null hypothesis H0. Then

U'(\hat{\theta}_0) I^{-1}(\hat{\theta}_0) U(\hat{\theta}_0) \sim \chi^2_k

asymptotically under H0, where k is the number of constraints imposed by the null hypothesis and

U(\hat{\theta}_0) = \frac{\partial \log L(\hat{\theta}_0 | x)}{\partial \theta}


I(\hat{\theta}_0) = -\frac{\partial^2 \log L(\hat{\theta}_0 | x)}{\partial \theta \partial \theta'}.

This can be used to test H0.

[edit] See also