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Scnd is the alias used to identify The Amazing Anthony John Scinta the IIIrd birthed on May 22nd in the year 1987. This is not to be confused with the young John Anthony Scinta the IIIrd from Montpelier, Vermont(Scnd’s Archnemesis and Nega-Clone.)

Scnd is an active student, member of wikipedia, and media artist (see vj). Also may include the alias Greg Blink, T-diggs or Alexander Diggs. Scnd is also a snowboarder, known well for his two catch-phrases "no worries" and "Diggs", the latter used in place of a name. He's also well known for his theorys, such as: Alchemy in the Kitchen, The Folly and Economic Insanity of Leftovers and The Problem with Vegitarians In General.


[edit] Accomplishments

At the ripe age of six (1993), the future Internet entity suddenly discovered and lost the source of ultimate power in the universe. Later that evening, he released spirits that were hiding in his skull with the first successful and accidental exorcism preformed by a non-Catholic. This act also spawned the Nega-Clone John Anthony Scinta, in the second successful Human Asexual Reproduction via Budding.

In the year 1995, he created a small universe, where in three months time, he got bored of it and destroyed it, being the eighth human child to create and destroy multiple planets in less than three months.

In the year 2006, Tido Braska and Scnd teamed up to mold a functional webcomic based on their real lives.

[edit] Contact

Aim- tocomanconqueso


[edit] Goals

Catch first 180 big air by the end of winter 2007

[edit] Active Sites