Scientific notation

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Scientific notation is a notation for writing numbers that is often used by scientists and mathematicians to make it easier to write large and small numbers. A number that is written in scientific notation has several properties that make it very useful to scientists.

In scientific notation, numbers are written using powers of ten in the form a×10b where b is an integer exponent and the coefficient a is any real number, called the significand or mantissa (using "mantissa" may cause confusion as it can also refer to the fractional part of the common logarithm).

In normalized form, a is chosen such that 1 ≤ a < 10. Following this rule allows easy comparison of two positive numbers as the one with the larger power of ten must be larger. In normalized form, the exponent b gives the number's order of magnitude. It is implicitly assumed that scientific notation should always be normalized except during calculations or when an unnormalized form is desired (e.g. engineering notation).


[edit] Variations

[edit] Engineering notation

Engineering notation involves restricting the exponent b to multiples of 3. Engineering notation is therefore not always normalized. Numbers in this form are easily read out using magnitude prefixes like mega or nano. For example, 12.5×10-9 meters might be read or written as "twelve point five nanometers" or 12.5nm.

[edit] Exponential notation

Most calculators and many computer programs present very large and very small results in scientific notation. Because exponents like 107 can't always be conveniently represented on computers, typewriters, and calculators, an alternate notation is often used: the "×10" is omitted and replaced by the letter E or e (short for exponent). Note that this is not related to the mathematical constant e. In this case, the exponent is not superscripted but is left on the same level with the significand (e.g. E-6 not E-6). The sign is often given even if positive (e.g. E+11 rather than E11). For example, 1.56234 E+29 is the same as 1.56234×1029.

[edit] Motivation

Scientific notation is a very convenient way to write large or small numbers and do calculations with them. It also quickly conveys two properties of a measurement that are useful to scientists—significant figures and order of magnitude.

[edit] Examples

  • An electron's mass is about 0.00000000000000000000000000000091093826 kg. In scientific notation, this is written 9.1093826×10−31 kg.
  • The Earth's mass is about 5,973,600,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg. In scientific notation, this is written 5.9736×1024 kg.

[edit] Significant digits

Scientific notation is useful for indicating the precision with which a quantity was measured. Including only the significant figures (the digits which are known to be reliable, plus one uncertain digit) in the coefficient conveys the precison of the value. In the absence of any statement otherwise, the value of a physical quantity in scientific notation is assumed to have been measured to at least the quoted number of digits of precision with the last potentially in doubt by half a unit.

As an example, consider the Earth's mass as presented above in conventional notation. Since that representation gives no indication of the accuracy of the reported value, a reader could incorrectly assume from the twenty-five digits shown that it is known right down to the last kilogram! The scientific notation indicates that it is known with a precision of ± 0.00005×1024 kg, or ± 5×1019 kg.

Where precision in such measurements is crucial more sophisticated expressions of measurement error must be used.

[edit] Order of magnitude

Scientific notation also enables simple order of magnitude comparisons. A proton's mass is 0.0000000000000000000000000016726 kg. If this is written as 1.6726×10−27 kg, it is easier to compare this mass with that of the electron, given above. The order of magnitude of the ratio of the masses can be obtained by simply comparing the exponents rather than counting all the leading zeros. In this case, '−27' is larger than '−31' and therefore the proton is four orders of magnitude (about 10,000 times) more massive than the electron.

Scientific notation also avoids misunderstandings due to regional differences in certain quantifiers, such as 'billion', which might indicate either 109 or 1012.

[edit] Using scientific notation

[edit] Converting

Multiplication and division by 10 are easy to perform in scientific notation.

At the mantissa, multiplication by 10 may be seen as shifting the decimal separator one position to the right (adding a zero if needed): 12.34×10=123.4. Division may be seen as shifting it to the left: 12.34/10=1.234

In the exponential part multiplication by 10 results in adding 1 to the exponent: 102×10=103. Division by 10 results in subtracting 1 from the exponent: 102/10=101.

Also notice that 1 is multiplication's neutral element and that 100=1.

To convert between different representations of the same number, all that is needed is to perform the opposite operations to each part. Thus multiplying the mantissa by 10, n times is done by shifting the decimal separator n times to the right. Dividing by 10 the same number of times is done by adding −n to the exponent. Some examples:

123.4 = 123.4\times10^0 = (123.4/10^2) \times (10^0\times10^2) = 1.234\times10^2

.001234 = .001234\times10^0 = (.001234\times 10^3) \times (10^0 / 10^3) = 1.234\times10^{-3}

[edit] Basic operations

Given two numbers in scientific notation,


Multiplication and division are performed using the rules for operation with exponential functions:

x_0 x_1=a_0 a_1\times10^{b_0+b_1}

some examples are:

5.67\times10^{-5} \times 2.34\times10^2 \approx 13.3\times10^{-3} = 1.33\times10^{-2}
\frac{2.34\times10^2}{5.67\times10^{-5}}  \approx 0.413\times10^{7} = 4.13\times10^6

Addition and subtraction require the numbers to be represented using the same exponential part, in order to simply add, or subtract, the mantissas, so it may take two steps to perform. First, if needed, convert one number to a representation with the same exponential part as the other. This is usually done with the one with the smaller exponent. Second, add or subtract the mantissas.

x_1^\star = a_1^\star \times10^{b_0}
x_0 \pm x_1=x_0 \pm x_1^\star=(a_0\pm a_1^\star)\times10^{b_0}

an example:

2.34\times10^{-5} + 5.67\times10^{-6} = 2.34\times10^{-5} + 0.567\times10^{-5} \approx 2.91\times10^{-5}

[edit] See also

[edit] External links