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[edit] Scientician

Scientician noun

A Scientician is a person who presents science concepts to an audience and aims to make the concept beautiful. The word is made up from two words 1. Scientist and 2. Beautician The scientician strives to make science attactive, exciting and show that it can be very accessible.

The word scientician was developed by a team of curactors under the eladership of Patrick Watt. The name was used to define the scientist interpreter in a show that was presented at the 2006 Commonwealth Games in Melbourne. The show was called The Gravity show and was presented in the Coates Cube at Birrarung Marr for the duration of the games. The total audience for the season was 16 000 people. More than 1 million people saw Coates Cube. Coates Cube was conceived and developed by Patrick Watt.