Schlomo Winninger

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Schlomo Winninger, born Salomon Wininger, ‎(1877, Gura Humora, Bukovina1968, in Israel) was an Austrian-Jewish biographer. ‎ Before World War I, Winninger lived in Chernivtsi and moved to Vienna during the war years, ‎where he decided to write biographies of famous Jewish persons.‎ This idea was pushed in order to counter the self-hating mood of Jewish youth in the city, created under the influence of Otto Weininger's works.‎

During his twenty-five creative years, Schlomo Winninger wrote about 18,000 biographies, and he is considered ‎as one of the greatest Jewish biographers of all time.‎

[edit] Works

  • Lexicon der Jüdischen National Biographie ("Lexicon of Jewish National Biographies")
  • Gura Humora: Geschichte einer Kleinstadt in der Südbukovina‎ ("Gura Humora: History of a Small Town in South Bukovina)"
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