Scarlet Brotherhood

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In the Dungeons & Dragons World of Greyhawk campaign setting, the Scarlet Brotherhood most often refers to the Great and Hidden Empire of the Scarlet Brotherhood, a nation located on the Tilvanot Peninsula in the southeastern Flanaess, though it can also refer to the secretive organization which rules that land. The Scarlet Brotherhood is also the title of a 1999 sourcebook for the setting by Sean K. Reynolds.

Sometimes called the Kingdom of Shar ("purity"), the Scarlet Brotherhood is headed by a cadre of monastics, with final authority resting in the hands of the "Father of Obedience."


[edit] History

During the Greyhawk Wars, the Brotherhood made many gains, taking over the Lordship of the Isles, the Sea Princes, Idee, and Onnwal. However, they lost Idee to the South Province (now part of Ahlissa) in 586 CY, and in 589 the Hold of the Sea Princes erupted in civil war. In Onnwal, the Brotherhood rules only the port of Scant, though the Lordship of the Isles remains completely under their control.

[edit] Geography and climate

[edit] People

The Scarlet Brotherhood is a caste society, valuing the Suloise race and culture above all others. Full citizenship is granted only to those of pure Suel blood who adhere to the Brotherhood's philosophy of Suel hegemony. Those who are of mostly Suel extraction have some rights, but not nearly as many as citizens. The lowest tier of Brotherhood society is occupied by its slaves, made up of non-humans and humans of "mongrel" blood.

The Brotherhood has an active eugenics program and conducts regular interbreeding experiments.

[edit] Population

As of 591 CY, the exact population of the Scarlet brotherhood is unknown, but estimated to be in the "tens of thousands." The vast majority (96%) of the populace are human.

[edit] Religion

The Scarlet Brotherhood honors most Suel deities, the most popular being Pyremius, Syrul, Wee Jas, and Bralm. Nerull, though not a Suel deity, is sometimes honored as well. The Scarlet Brotherhood is also rumored to worship Tharizdun, but this is mostly propaganda spread by Brotherhood agents, though a splinter sect of Tharizdun-worshipers known as the Black Brotherhood does exist.

[edit] Languages

Ancient Suloise is the official language of the Scarlet brotherhood, though Common is widely spoken as well.

[edit] Government

[edit] Heraldry

The Scarlet Brotherhood's coat of arms is blazoned thus: Gules, a mullet of four points wavy sable.

[edit] Economy

[edit] Transportation

[edit] Military

[edit] References

The Scarlet Brotherhood by Sean K Reynolds; Cover art by Doug Beekman
The Scarlet Brotherhood by Sean K Reynolds; Cover art by Doug Beekman
  • Gygax, Gary. The World of Greyhawk (TSR, 1980).
  • Reynolds, Sean K. The Scarlet Brotherhood (TSR, 1999).