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[edit] Mythological Significance

Yoni is sanskrit for vagina/womb/origin of life. The "sa" prefix denotes the joint existence of two yonis, hence Sayoni is an ancient name for the unique concept of the ‘two revolving yonis’ of Ushasa-naktam, a pair of cosmic twin goddesses mentioned in the Rig Veda. Separately, these deities are known as Ushas and Nakra, yet they are regarded as so deeply entertwined that even their yoni’s revolve around one another.

In her book Sakhiyani, author Giti Thadani gives this ancient myth a sexual interpretation, regarding it as a symbol of sexual play between women, and as mythical evidence that lesbianism was once accepted in Indian society. [1]

[edit] Platform for Queer Asian Women

Sayoni is a Singapore-based platform for queer, lesbian, bisexual and transsexual Asian women. It derives its identity from the ancient myth of Sayoni, and aims to empower queer women in the closeted Asian society. It was launched by a group of six women in 2006, in the twin-prong approach of a weblog and a forum.