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Satawal is a tiny coral atoll located at 7.3579° N 147.0373° E in the Caroline Islands in the Federated States of Micronesia, the easternmost island in the Yap island group. The native language is Satawalese, a Trukic language closely related to Woleaian, and the entire population of the island numbers approximately 500.

It is best known for its preservation of traditional navigational techniques without the use of instruments, based on indigenous astronomical and maritime concepts. Despite its small population, Satawal has continued to produce ocean-going canoes and expert navigators versed in these traditions. The best-known of the Satawal master navigators (paliuw), Mau Piailug, served as mentor and teacher to the founding members of the Polynesian Voyaging Society. The daily life of Satawal is documented in the Steve Thomas book The Last Navigator, which also treats Mau Piailug's traditional navigation system in some depth.

As there are no anchorages for large boats, Satawal is seldom visited by outsiders. The Satawalese primarily subsist on fishing and some agriculture (coconuts, breadfruit, taro). They build small thatch houses for sleeping and use the trunks of breadfruit trees for boat-building. Cultural forms primarily revolve around dance and story-telling, and an alcoholic beverage known as tuba is brewed from fermented coconut milk.

Satawal is located in the state of Yap, but the people of Satawal are more closely related, culturally and linguistically, to those of Chuuk.

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