Satar Jabar

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Satar Jabar
Satar Jabar

Satar "Peller" Jabar was a prisoner at Abu Ghraib prison who was subjected to psychological torture while detained therein. Jabar was not in Abu Ghraib on charges of terrorism, as is commonly believed, but rather for carjacking.[1]

Jabar was hooded, positioned on a box, and had wires attached to both hands and his penis and was told that he would be electrocuted if he fell off. The army claims, however, that the wires were not live and that the prisoner at no time faced actual electrocution, only the threat thereof. This was later contradicted by Jabar, who stated in an interview that the wires were electrified and had been used to give shocks.

The image of this event was one of the most prominent to be featured in the media coverage of the scandal and frequently reappeared as a symbol for the abuse within Abu Ghraib in various examples of political cartoons and politically driven graffiti. His silhouette has already become an icon of abuse.

[edit] See also