Sarada survey
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Sarada Math and Mission
Contents |
[edit] Founder
As per the desire of Swami Vivekananda, the Sarada math, a monastic order exclusively for women was started under the guidance of Ramakrishna Mission. Initially started with 8 inmates, it became an independent organisation later.
[edit] Year & place of founding
2nd December 1954 at Dakshineswar on the centenary birthday of Holy mother Sri Sarada Devi. On 26th August, 1959 the math was made an independent organisation. On 13th May, 1960 the Sri Ramakrishna and Sarada Mission was started.
[edit] Aims & ideals
The Sarada Math is advaitic organisation, in honour of Sri Sarada Devi, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Swami Vivekananda.
[edit] Monastic / Non-monastic
Women-monastic with household devotees.
[edit] General philosophical outlook
Combination of Jnanayoga, Karmayoga, Bhaktiyoga and Rajayoga as preached and practiced by Sri Sarada Devi, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Swami Vivekananda for the liberation of Self and for the good of all.
[edit] Spiritual disciplines generally advocated
[edit] Administrative set-up
The President is the spiritual head of the organisation, while the administrative head is the General Secretary. The trustee include the senior nuns of the order. The branches are run by the nuns with the help of local devotees.
[edit] Provision for joining
The women aspirants can contact the local centres or the headquarters at Dakshineswar for joining the math. During probation period, brahmacharinis are given training in scriptures, Ramakrishna-Vivekananda-Vedanta literature and social service. After the end of probation, monastic vows are given.
[edit] Present chief of the movement
Pravrajika Shraddhaprana Mataji is the president of the Math.
Pravrajika Amalaprana Mataji, is the General Secretary.
[edit] Activities
[edit] Religion & spirituality
Regular pooja at the shrines is condcted in all branches everyday and special worship during festivals. Special classes, meditation training programmes, spiritual counselling etc. are given to the devotees.
[edit] Social field
- Matri Bhavan - maternity hospital in Kolkota
- Sri Sarada Seva Kutir - charitable clinic in Chennai
- Sevayan - charitable clinic in Dakshineshwar
- Nivedita Laboratory - Dakshineshwar
The Mission runs several schools, colleges and vocational training centers including computer centers and typewriting institutes for women and children. It also runs Balmandir (Sunday school) for children. Non-formal schools for slum children are also often conducted by the branch centres. For the rural women education, health care and vocational training is provided free of cost. The mission is active specially in rural areas.
[edit] Education field
[edit] Cultural field
[edit] Relief activities
During the natural calamities, mission takes up relief activities with special emphasis on service of women and children. Apart from providing basic and immediate necessities, rehabilitation activitites are also carried out.
[edit] Province of its influence
The centre has around 30 branches in India and in Australia. The organisation along with Ramakrishna Mission has large following in India and Western countries.
[edit] Major publications
- Samvit - Semi-annual English magazine
- Nibodata - Bengali quarterly
- Eternal Mother - Pravrajika Amalaprana
- Sri Sarada Devi and Sri Sarada Math - Pravrajika Atmaprana
- The Story of Sister Nivedita - Pravrajika Atmaprana
- Nivedita As I Saw Her - Saralabala Sarkar
- Sara Bull, The American Mother of Swami Vivekananda - Pravrajika Prabuddhaprana
- Pravrajika Bharatiprana - Edited by Pravrajika Atmaprana
- Western Women in the Footsteps of Swami Vivekananda
[edit] Related Links
- Sarada Math
- Sri Sarada Society Albany, New York, USA
- Sarada Centre, USA
- Indore Math, Indore, India
See also Survey of Hindu organisations