Wikipedia:Sandbox/Word Association/Psychadelic
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[edit] Psychedelic Word Association: 'Colour chart'
This is a cross between the ultra and aether games. Add your word anywhere where it is adjacent to at least one other word, but it must associate with all adjacent words. If your word is in a coloured cell (i.e. not silver/grey), it must also associate with the word in the same-coloured cell - i.e. if your word is in a red cell, it must associate with the adjacent words and the word in the other red cell
Grid-Size: 7x15 (do not expand)
Main Games: | Main Game | Ultra Game | Word Disassociation | WA Number 2 or Last Word |
Deviants: | Fixed | Radial | Psychadelic | Radial Ultra Cross | Reverse Radial Ultra Cross | Enigmatic | Sliding Doors | Cubic | Skein | Aether Ultra Letter | Disassociation Deviants |