Sangamon's Principle

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Sangamon's Principle is a principle put forward in Neal Stephenson's novel Zodiac by the character Sangamon Taylor, an environmental activist, which states that simple molecules make better recreational drugs than complex ones, because you never know what side effects more complicated compounds will have.

The following is a rough list of drugs, ordered according to Sangamon's Principle:

# of Atoms Drug Formula
2 Oxygen O2
3 Nitrous Oxide N2O
9 Ethanol (alcohol) C2H6O
29 Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstacy) C11H15NO2
36 Psilocybin (mushrooms) C12H17N2O4P
49 LSD C20H25N3O
53 Tetrahydrocannabinol (cannabis) C21H30O2

Sangamon's Principle is often quoted by nitrous oxide (N2O) users to justify its use over other drugs.[citation needed]