Sanctuary (Angel novel)

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First edition cover
Author Jeff Mariotte
Country United States
Language English
Series Angel novels
Genre(s) Horror novel
Publisher Pocket Books
Released April 1, 2003
Media Type Print (Paperback)
Pages 320 pp
ISBN ISBN 0-689-85664-4
Preceded by Fearless (Angel novel)
Followed by Dark Mirror (Angel novel)

Sanctuary is an original novel based on the U.S. television series Angel.


[edit] Plot summary

Angel and Co. are enjoying some downtime at the karaoke bar Caritas when a loud explosion occurs. The gang and the rest of the bar are attracted outside. A building nearby is on fire. It seems that it may have been a diversionary tactic to distract from a drive-by shooting. When the smoke clears, Fred has gone missing.

It seems Fred has been kidnapped, so Team Angel questions everyone nearby. Around a dozen demons were direct eyewitnesses, but each one has a different story. Whether it was gangs, monsters, or a runaway Fred, the team soon realize demons do not make the most reliable eyewitnesses.

[edit] Trivia

[edit] Continuity

  • Supposed to be set early in Angel Season 4, yet story breaks from 'canon' since Caritas seems to have survived.

[edit] Canonical issues

Main article: Buffyverse canon
Buffy/Angel books such as this one are not usually considered by fans as canonical. Some fans consider them stories from the imaginations of authors and artists, while other fans consider them as taking place in an alternative fictional reality. However unlike fan fiction, overviews summarising their story, written early in the writing process, were 'approved' by both Fox and Joss Whedon (or his office), and the books were therefore later published as officially Buffy/Angel merchandise.

[edit] Timing

  • Stories that take place around the same time in the Buffyverse:
Location, time
(if known)
Buffyverse chronology: Fall 2001 - December 2001
(non-canon = italic)
L.A., 2001 Buffy/Angel novel: Cursed
L.A., 2001 A3.01 Heartthrob
Sunnydale, 2001 Buffy UPN promos: Scooby Gang talk about Buffy
Sunnydale, 2001 B6.01 Bargaining, I
Sunnydale, 2001 B6.02 Bargaining, II
L.A., 2001 A3.02 That Vision Thing
Sunnydale, 2001 B6.03 After Life
L.A., 2001 Angel book: Sanctuary
L.A., 2001 A3.03 That Old Gang of Mine
Sunnydale, 2001 B6.04 Flooded
L.A., 2001 A3.04 Carpe Noctem
Sunnydale, 2001 Buffy comic: Reunion
Sunnydale, 2001 B6.05 Life Serial
L.A., 2001 A3.05 Fredless
Sunnydale, 2001 Buffy graphic novel Willow & Tara: Wilderness
Sunnydale, 2001 Buffy book: Blood and Fog
Sunnydale, 2001 B6.06 All the Way
Sunnydale, 2001 Buffy graphic novel: Note from the Underground
L.A., 2001 A3.06 Billy
L.A., 2001 Angel anthology book:The Longest Night
Sunnydale, L.A., Monster Island, 2001 Buffy/Angel novel: Monster Island
L.A., 2001 Angel book: Endangered Species
L.A., 2001 Angel book: Impressions
Sunnydale, 2001 B6.07 Once More, with Feeling
L.A., 2001 A3.07 Offspring
Sunnydale, 2001 B6.08 Tabula Rasa
L.A., 2001 A3.08 Quickening
Sunnydale, 2001 B6.09 Smashed
L.A., 2001 A3.09 Lullaby
Sunnydale, 2001 B6.10 Wrecked
L.A., 2001 A3.10 Dad
Sunnydale, 2001 B6.11 Gone
L.A., 2001 A3.11 Birthday
Sunnydale, 2001 Buffy graphic novel: Creatures of Habit
Sunnydale, 2001 Buffy graphic novel: Death of Buffy: Withdrawal
Sunnydale, 2001 B6.12 Doublemeat Palace
L.A., 2001 A3.12 Provider

[edit] External links

[edit] Reviews

Angel novels

Angel books in order of Buffyverse chronology

Not Forgotten | Close to the Ground | Soul Trade | Redemption | Shakedown | Hollywood Noir | Avatar | Bruja | The Summoned | Unseen | Haunted | Image | Stranger to the Sun | Vengeance | The Longest Night | Monster Island | Endangered Species | Impressions | Fearless | Cursed | Sanctuary | Seven Crows | Dark Mirror | Heat | Solitary Man | Love and Death | Monolith | Nemesis | Book of the Dead

Buffyverse & related topics
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Expanded Uni. Comics | Fray | Novels | Slayer timeline | Tales of Slayer (prose) | Tales of Slayers | Tales of Vampires | Video Games

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Powers Angel Investigations | Circle of the Black Thorn | Order of Aurelius | The First Evil | The Initiative | Monsters | Old Ones | The Powers That Be | Ra-Tet | Scooby Gang | Scourge of Europe | Senior Partners | Watchers' Council | Wolfram & Hart
People Adam | Amy | Andrew | Angel | Anya | Buffy | Caleb | Connor | Cordelia | Dawn | Darla | Doyle | Drusilla | Eve | Faith | Fred | Giles | Glory | Gunn | Harmony | Holtz | Illyria | Jasmine | Jenny | Joyce | Jonathan | Kate | Kennedy | Lilah | Lindsey | Lorne | Master | Mayor | Oz | Robin Wood | Prof. Walsh | Riley | Spike | Tara | Warren | Wesley | Willow | Xander
Places L.A. | Sunnydale
Bronze | Buffy's residence | Caritas | Hellmouth | Hyperion | Library | Magic Box | Pylea | Sunnydale High
Music Complete Tracklist | Use of Music in Buffy & Angel

Buffy album | Dingoes Ate My Baby | Film | Radio Sunnydale | Live Fast, Die Never | Once More, with Feeling

Key Terminology "Demon" | "Slayer" | "Vampire" | "Watcher" | "Werewolf" | "Witch"

"Child of Senior Partners" | Shanshu | Sunnydale Syndrome | Tro-Clon