Samuele Bersani

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Samuele Bersani (October 01, 1973, Rimini, Italy) is an Italian singer-songwriter. Between his best known songs, Giudizi Universali and Replay, the lattest being the song that won Critic Award "Mia Martini".

His latest albums, released in 2003 and 2006, are entitled Caramella smog ("Smog candy"), and L'Aldiqua ("The OverHere") .

In 2000 songs from his album L'oroscopo speciale ("The special horoscopy") were used for the soundtrack of the fim Chiedimi se sono felice, by Aldo, Giovanni e Giacomo.

[edit] Discography

  • C'hanno preso tutto (1992)
  • Freak (1995)
  • Samuele Bersani (1997)
  • L'oroscopo speciale (2000)
  • L'oroscopo speciale (seconda edizione) (2000)
  • Che Vita! Il Meglio Di Samuele Bersani (2002)
  • Caramella Smog (2003)
  • L'Aldiqua (2006)

[edit] External links

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