Samuel Crossman

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Samuel Crossman (1623 - Feb­ru­a­ry 4, 1683) was a minister of the Church of England and a hymnwriter. He was born at Brad­field Mon­a­chor­um, Suffolk, England.

Crossman earned a Ba­che­lor of Di­vin­i­ty at Pem­broke Coll­ege, University of Cambridge, and was Prebendary of Bris­tol. After grad­u­a­tion, he min­is­tered to both an An­gli­can con­gre­ga­tion at All Saints, Sud­bu­ry, and to a Puritan con­gre­ga­tion simultaneously. Cross­man sym­pa­thized with the Pur­i­tan cause, and at­tend­ed the 1661 Savoy Conference, which at­tempt­ed to up­date the Book of Common Prayer so that both Pur­i­tans and An­gli­cans could use it. The con­fer­ence failed, and the 1662 Act of Un­i­form­i­ty ex­pelled Crossman along with some 2,000 other Puritan-leaning min­is­ters from the Church of England. He renounced his Puritan affiliations short­ly af­terward, and was or­dained in 1665, be­com­ing a roy­al chap­lain. He re­ceived a post at Bris­tol in 1667, and be­came Dean of Bristol Cathedral in 1683. He died on Feb­ru­a­ry 4, 1683, at Bris­tol, and lies buried in the south aisle of the ca­thed­ral at Bris­tol.

Several of Crossman's hymns are preserved in the Sacred Harp.

[edit] Samuel Cros­sman’s works

  • The Young Man’s Med­i­ta­tion, or Some Few Sac­red Po­ems up­on Se­lect Sub­jects, and Script­ures.
  • Several of Crossman's hymns are preserved in the Sacred Harp.

[edit] External Links

Hymns by Samuel Crossman

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