Samuel Bloomfield

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Samuel Bloomfield was a staff member of the Eastern European division of the Research and Analysis section of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in 1942. Bloomfield was also secretly a member of the Communist Party of the United States of America (CPUSA). Bloomfield also managed the Progressive Book Shop in Washington, D.C. After being investigated by the FBI in relation to the Comintern Apparatus investigation, Bloomfiled left the OSS and Washington, and moved to San Francisco, where he found employment with the British Information Service.

[edit] Venona

Samuel Bloomfield is referenced in the following Venona decrypt:

726–729 KGB New York to Moscow, 22 May 1942.

[edit] References

  • FBI report of 31 May 1944, FBI Comintern Apparatus file (FBI File 100-203 581), serial 2753.
  • Comintern Apparatus Summary Report, 15 December 1944, FBI Comintern Apparatus file, serial 3702.