Salesian College, Rupertswood

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Salesian College, Rupertswood

Salesian College, Rupertswood


1 Macedon Street


Sunbury, Victoria 3429








Catholic (Salesian Order)


Approx. 1000 Unisex

Year Levels

7 to 12




Fr. Greg Chambers


Blue and Gold


Certantes in Vita ("Strive in Life")


Salesian College, Rupertswood, also known more simply as Salesian College, is a Roman Catholic, co-educational school located in Sunbury, Victoria. It is located on the grounds of Rupertswood Mansion. Set up by the Salesian Society when the mansion and its grounds were sold to them in 1927, it was originally an all-male boarding school. In the 1950's it began admitting day students as well as catering for boarders. After Sunbury grew in the 1980's the school began to welcome girls to the school and by 1997 it had become fully co-educational and stopped student boarding.


[edit] Homeroom System

Salesian College, Rupertswood practices a unique vertical homeroom structure. This structure splits the student body into 8 houses, which are then split into at least 5 homegroups. Each homegroup has one homegroup teacher and up to 30 students. There are 3-5 students from each year level in each homegroup.

The 8 Houses each have a native Australian animal as a mascot and a representary colour. On sports carnival days or other whole school participation days, the students wear their house coloured polo t-shirt.

Salesian College Houses
House Name House Mascot House Colour
Bunjil Eagle Orange
Colliton Frog Green
MacKillop Kookaburra Light Blue
Mahoney Scorpion Navy Blue
Maiocco Dolphin Silver/Grey
Mannix Emu Purple
Naughton Dingo Gold/Yellow
O'Grady Goanna Red

[edit] Uniform and Dress Code

Salesian College Rupertswood has a strict uniform policy, which requires all students to wear a school uniform. The school uniform is purchased from an on-campus uniform shop. There are two uniforms; a summer unifom, and a winter uniform. The summer uniform is worn in terms 1 and 4, and the winter uniform is worn in terms 2 and 3. The uniform varies for boys and girls

[edit] Winter Uniform

  • Boys:
    • College Blazer (compulsory).
    • Grey school trousers or grey college shorts.
    • College Shirt (blue, stiff collar/long sleeve).
    • College Tie.
    • College Jumper.
    • Black or grey socks (worn with trousers), 'Marle' knee length walk socks (worn with shorts).
    • Polished black, lace-up hard soled shoes.
  • Girls:
    • College Blazer (compulsory).
    • College tartan skirt (knee length or longer) or tailored navey College trousers.
    • College Shirt (blue, stiff collar/long sleeve.
    • College Tie.
    • College Jumper.
    • Navy opaque tights or white knee high socks to be worn with the skirt.
    • Navy blue socks to be worn with trousers.
    • Polished black, lace-up hard soled shoes.

[edit] Summer Uniform

  • Boys:
    • College Blazer (optional).
    • Grey school trousers or Grey College shorts.
    • College open neck/short sleeve 'Jac' shirt.
    • College Jumper.
    • Black or gret socks (worn with trousers), 'Marle' knee length walk socks (worn with shorts).
    • Polished black, lace-up, hard soled shoes.
    • College Cap (for outdoor activities).
  • Girls:
    • College Blazer (optional).
    • College summer dress.
    • Blue College short sleeve blouse to be worn with Tailored Navy College Trousers.
    • College Jumper.
    • White long socks or short ankle socks (worn with dress), or Navy socks (worn with trousers).
    • Polished black, lace-up hard soled shoes.
    • College Cap (for outdoor activities).

The school also has a sport uniform, which the students change into and wear during practical Physical Education classes.

[edit] Card System

The card system is enforced by teachers. A red card is issued during homegroup if a student has incorrect uniform, and is then placed in the sin bin for several moments in which to reflect upon their actions. The student is required to have a note from their parent/guardian if they are "out of uniform," or as the students refer to it as being, "duffing in the cloakroom." The red card is a notification to other teachers as to why the student has incorrect uniform. If a student has incorrect uniform but does not have a red card, any teacher may issue a yellow card, which is given to the student's homegroup teacher. The yellow card notifies the homegroup teacher that the student was not following the uniform policy. If a student gathers a certain amount of yellow cards then detentions are issued.

Yellow Cards
Number of Yellow Cards Result
1 Yellow Card Warning
2 Yellow Cards Lunchtime detention issued
3 Yellow Cards Thursday After School Detention issued
4 Yellow Cards Saturday After School Detention issued
Any subsequent cards issued More detentions issued

The yellow card system is a new method, which was brought in by Fr. Greg Chambers, the current principal, who began running the school in late 2004.