Sakurai Prize

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The J. J. Sakurai Prize is a prize in theoretical particle physics whose purpose is to recognize outstanding work. The prize is awarded by American Physical Society and is officially presented at the APS April meeting every year. The prize was endowed in 1984 as a memorial to J. J. Sakurai by his family.

[edit] Winners of the J. J. Sakurai Prize

“For his creative ideas on dynamical symmetry breaking, supersymmetry, and extra spatial dimensions, which have shaped theoretical research on TeV-scale physics, thereby inspiring a wide range of experiments.”
  • 2005 Susumu Okubo
“For groundbreaking investigations into the pattern of hadronic masses and decay rates, which provided essential clues into the development of the quark model, and for demonstrating that CP violation permits partial decay rate asymmetries.”
  • 2004 Ikaros Bigi and Anthony Sanda
“For pioneering theoretical insights that pointed the way to the very fruitful experimental study of CP violation in B decays, and for continuing contributions to the fields of CP and heavy flavor physics.”
  • 2003 Alfred Mueller and George Sterman
"For developing concepts and techniques in QCD, such as infrared safety and factorization in hard processes, which permitted precise quantitative predictions and experimental tests, and thereby helped to establish QCD as the theory of the strong interactions."
  • 2002 William J. Marciano and Alberto Sirlin
"For their pioneering work on radiative corrections, which made precision electroweak studies a powerful method of probing the Standard Model and searching for new physics."
  • 2001 Nathan Isgur, Mikhail Voloshin, Mark Wise
"For the construction of the heavy quark mass expansion and the discovery of the heavy quark symmetry in quantum chromodynamics, which led to a quantitative theory of the decays of c and b flavored hadrons. "
  • 2000 Curtis G. Callan, Jr.
"For his classic formulation of the renormalization group, his contributions to instanton physics and to the theory of monopoles and strings."
  • 1999 Mikhail Shifman, Arkady Vainshtein, and Valentine Zakharov
"For fundamental contributions to the understanding of non-perturbative QCD, non-leptonic weak decays, and the analytic properties of supersymmetric gauge theories."
"For his pioneering contributions to hadronic string models, lattice gauge theories, quantum chromodynamics, and dynamical symmetry breaking."
  • 1997 Thomas Appelquist
"For his pioneering work on charmonium and on the de-coupling of heavy particles."
  • 1996 William A. Bardeen
"For fundamental insights into the structure and meaning of the axial anomaly and for contributions to the understanding of perturbative quantum chromodynamics."
"For his pioneering contributions toward the unification of strong and electroweak interactions, and for his application of quantum chromodynamics to the properties and interactions of hadrons."
For contributions in understanding strong dynamics.
  • 1993 Mary K. Gaillard
For the prediction of the charm quark.
For his contributions to CP violation and developments in neutrino propagation through matter.
For the discovery of asymptotic freedom in non-abelian gauge theories and their application to QCD.
  • 1985 Toshihide Maskawa and Makoto Kobayashi

[edit] External links

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