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A sakabatō (逆刃刀 lit. reverse-edged sword) is a fictional type of Japanese sword.

On the normal katana, the outward curved side of the blade is sharpened, while the inward curved side of the blade is blunt. In contrast, the sakabatō is made so that the cutting edge is on the side that curves inward.

Although functional sakabatō are currently being produced for purchase by collectors and fans, there is no record of them ever having been used historically in Japan. There is also no existing school of swordsmanship that employs them. Historical use of "reverse-blade" weapons is evident from samples held at the Deoksu Royal Palace Museum in Korea. Because Japan at one time invaded Korea, there is the possibility that sakabatō were developed based on Korean examples. However, as mentioned above, neither historical records nor archaeological evidence exists to support such a theory.

The effectiveness of this weapon is dubious at best. Having the softer side of the blade hold the edge essentially negates katana's most important and unique advantage. Having an unsharpened front edge may also hinder a quick and smooth draw.

The sakabatō is the main weapon of popular manga character Himura Kenshin in the manga Rurouni Kenshin, and as such is typically depicted as a 'pacifist' weapon by those not willing to kill.