Dragon Ball Z Gaiden: Saiya-jin Zetsumetsu Keikaku
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Dragonball Z Gaiden: Saiya-jin Zetsumetsu Keikaku (translated; The Plan to Destroy the Saiyajins) was the final Dragonball Z game to be released for the Famicom system. From Bandai, 1993. Once again the gameplay takes the form of a Battle Card Role Playing Game where the players movement and battle choices are dictated by the randomly generated playing cards he/she receives. The game doesn't follow the anime storyline but features an original one. This game is the translation into RPG of the two Bandai Playdia interactive Games. The anime part of these games have been compiled by some fans and released on the internet as Dragon Ball Z: The Lost Movie.
The only playable characters are: SSJ Goku, SSJ Gohan, SSJ Vegeta, Piccolo and SSJ Trunks.