Sacred Steel (musical tradition)

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Sacred Steel refers to a musical style and African-American Gospel tradition that developed in House of God Churches in the 1930s. Members and nonmembers refer to the church as the House of God. Its full name, though, is the House of God Which Is the Church of the Living God the Pillar and Ground of the Truth Without Controversy,[1]Keith Dominion. Brothers Troman and Willie Eason first brought pedal steel in for use during worship in place of the more traditional organ[2] This new style was met with great enthusiasm and taken up by others including the Bishop J.R. Lockley. The three toured together and later Willie put the new style down on record, recording a total of eighteen sides in the 1940s and 50s. Sacred Steel has since become an integral part of the Pentecostal House of God's Sunday services.

Since then, Sacred Steel has grown and flourished within the House of God Churches which are located today mainly in New York, Kentucky, and Florida. The most famous practioner is Robert Randolph of the Robert Randolph and the Family Band. Randolph, the son of a deacon and a minister, took up pedal steel guitar at 17. Just seven years later, he has become one of the most original and talented practitioners of the sacred steel form[3].

[edit] Notable Sacred Steel players

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