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Sabbioneta is a town in Lombardy, Italy, in the province of Mantua, from which it is 20 m. S.W., and about 30kms north of Parma, not far from the N. bank of the Po River, 59 ft. above sea-level.

Its period of prosperity was under Vespasiano Gonzaga (d. 1591), who was its duke; by him it was transformed into a small Residenzstadt. It was well fortified and built, and from this period date the ducal palace (now the Municipio), the theatre designed by Vincenzo Scamozzi (1548-1616), &c. The church and the summer palace contain frescoes by the Campi of Cremona.

The town is also known for its historic Jewish Ghetto and particularly for its Hebrew printing-press. In 1567 Tobias Foa set up the press; he had, however, published certain "anti-Christian books" and his career there was forcibly ended. His work and possibly his type were taken up by a Christian printer, Vicenzo Conte.

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Coordinates: 45°00′N 10°39′E