S3 (military)

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In the modern United States Army and several other militaries with similar structures, the S3 (sometimes also known as "operations officer" or "opso") is the staff officer for matters concerning operations, plans, organization, and training at the brigade level and lower. He is the commander's main assistant in coordinating and planning the battle. The nature of the operations officer's responsibilities requires a high degree of coordination with other staff members.

The S3 is aided by the S3 Air and an S3 section. The S3 Air is located at the main command post (CP) and functions as the Battle Captain and Executive officer's (XO) deputy. He coordinates the employment of CAS (Close Air Support) with the FSO (Fire support officer) and the TACP (Tactical Air Control Party), as well as with the air defense leader. He/she integrates CAS into the commander's scheme of maneuver. The S3 Air assumes the S3's duties when the S3 is absent in garrison. Tactically, he/she steps in for the XO at the TOC (Tactical Operations Center). The S3 Air supervises the battalion's informal A2C2 (Army Airspace Command and Control) element, which consists of representatives of the fire support and air defense elements and of the tactical air control party. The S3 section, trained by the S3, is employed to control and operate forward with the command group when required.

The configuration of the S3 section is very different in garrison. The organization and function of the section should be clearly defined for both garrison and tactical deployment. Specific issues such as who is responsible for the TOC vehicle, the TAC CP, who will man which vehicle/section, and where specific sections will deploy can be resolved by the operations sergeant major and the S3 Air/Assistant S3.

Operations officers at the division level and higher are referred to as "G3," and operations officers in joint commands are referred to as "J3."

[edit] See also

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