S.P.D. Power Rangers

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The S.P.D. Power Rangers are fictional characters and heroes in the Power Rangers universe, and the primary protagonists in the television series Power Rangers: S.P.D..


[edit] B-Squad Rangers

B-Squad Rangers
B-Squad Rangers
B-Squad Rangers inside the Delta Squad Megazord
B-Squad Rangers inside the Delta Squad Megazord

Although the B-Squad were initially a backup team as their name suggests, they were promoted to the Earth's primary line of defense and granted Ranger status after the A-Squad vanished, as well acting as tutors for the D-Squad Cadets. They are an integral part of the Space Patrol Delta organization.

The B-Squad is later joined as active Rangers by Commander Anubis "Doggie" Cruger, the Shadow Ranger and their superior officer in S.P.D., and Sam, the Omega Ranger.

In Endings pt. 2, the A-Squad position was retired and B-Squad was made the highest rank in S.P.D. Cadets.

[edit] Jack Landors

Jack Landors (played by Brandon Jay McLaren) is the S.P.D. Red Ranger. A former street thief alongside his best friend Z, Jack volunteered to become the Red B-Squad Ranger in order to save Z's life as well as those of the other Rangers and took over as leader, to the ire of Sky Tate. At first he took his position as team leader very lightly, but has since proven he is a very capable leader, albeit one who often clashes with the chain of command. He formed a slightly uneasy but respect-based relationship with Sky, taking tactical suggestions from him in the field and helping him deal with his issues regarding Mirloc & his father.

After his encounter with the volunteer Ally, he realised that, while he liked being a Ranger, what he really wanted to do was go back to helping people on the streets - the conflict of these two interests led to him nearly botching the mission against Delex. Following the destruction of the Magnificence and the containment of Gruumm, Jack left S.P.D. to work with Ally full-time and Sky took his place. Despite his casual attitude, he loathes having to say goodbye and left S.P.D. without telling the rest of B-Squad; despite this, they remain close.

While unmorphed, his genetic power enables him to become intangible and pass through any object. As Red Ranger, he has unique access to a Battlizer and also control over two separate Zords & S.W.A.T. Mode. He wields twin laser blasts and is an impressive sharpshooter. His uniform sports the number 1.

Jack doesn't know when he was born. Syd, however, offered to share her birthday with him.

Jack is the second Black Red Ranger, and the first since T.J. in Power Rangers: Turbo.

His assigned S.P.D. number is 1.

Preceded by:
Conner McKnight
Red Ranger
Succeeded by:
Sky Tate
Succeeded by:
Nick Russell
Preceded by:
Conner McKnight
Power Rangers leader
Succeeded by:
Sky Tate
Succeeded by:
Nick Russell

[edit] Sky Tate

Main article: Sky Tate

Sky Tate is the S.P.D. Blue Ranger who was originally a stickler for rules. Sky is top on B-Squad on weapons and fighting, and believes he should be the Red Ranger just like his father was. Unfortunately, his pride gets in the way and Commander Cruger picks him to be the Blue Ranger.

When Sky faces off against Mirloc, the one responsible for the death of his father, Jack thinks Sky should be the one to bring him in as the Red Ranger. Although it was an honor to be the Red Ranger, Sky begins to realize that heroes come in all colors. After going through extensive S.W.A.T. training on Zantor to aquire S.W.A.T. Mode, he discovers the importance of his team. With teamwork, they are able to even defeat the renegade A-Squad.

With Jack leaving S.P.D., Sky has grown into a great leader and has learned to accept his teamates as equals. Cruger chooses him to step up as the new Red Ranger.

While unmorphed, his genetic power allows him to create force fields.

His assigned S.P.D. number is 2.

Preceded by:
Ethan James
Blue Ranger
Succeeded by:
Bridge Carson
Preceded by:
Jack Landors
Red Ranger
Succeeded by:
Nick Russell
Preceded by:
Jack Landors
Power Rangers leader
Succeeded by:
Nick Russell

[edit] Bridge Carson

Main article: Bridge Carson

Bridge Carson is the S.P.D. Green Ranger. Bridge might appear slow at times, but he is a computer genious, a master mechanic, and much more. He might be gullible, but also has a heart of gold. People underestimate Bridge, but he always manages to come through with his quick thinking.

Bridge takes it upon himself to overanalyze any situation and sometimes lacks confidence. Bridge endures S.W.A.T. training on Zantour with the others to achieve S.W.A.T. Mode. Bridge relies more on intuition than any other Ranger and is the first one to sense that something is wrong with A-Squad. As time goes on, the other Rangers come to respect how he always comes through for them and he becomes more confident.

While unmorphed, his genetic power gives him a form of psychometry, and the ability to scan and discern others auras.

After Jack left SPD, and once Sky was promoted to Red Ranger, Bridge was promoted to Blue Ranger.

His assigned S.P.D. number is 3.

Preceded by:
Cameron Watanabe
Green Ranger
Succeeded by:
Xander Bly
Preceded by:
Sky Tate
Blue Ranger
Succeeded by:
Madison Rocca

[edit] Elizabeth Delgado

Elizabeth "Z" Delgado (played by Monica May) is the S.P.D. Yellow Ranger. When Z was younger, she was considered an outcast at school due to her genetic power. She ran away and, upon being attacked by a vicious monster, she was saved by a disguised Anubis Cruger. Eventually, she began living on the streets. It was there that she met her best friend Jack and began stealing for the poor. She eventually grew tired of that profession and wished to be part of something bigger, which led to her being drafted into the S.P.D. B-Squad.

Despite their differing personalities, she formed a firm friendship with both Bridge and Syd, often teaming up with the Pink Ranger in battle. Easy-going and somewhat slobby, she is a viciously determined fighter and, due to her past alienation, took it upon herself to reach out to young Sam.

Her genetic power of duplication allows her to become a virtual one-Ranger army in the blink of an eye. Z has the power to make several copies of herself when needed.

She has a long history with Piggy and appears to trust him as a friend, often going to him for underworld information or help even when his duplicious nature was obvious. When he was revealed to be openly working for Gruumm, Z was shocked that he could have betrayed them.

Through S.W.A.T. training on Zantor, Z learns to get over her differences with Syd and together as a team, the Rangers take down a renegade A-Squad. When Jack leaves S.P.D., Z stays with the Rangers and continues to live out her dream of protecting the innocent.

Her assigned S.P.D. number is 4.

Preceded by:
Kira Ford
Yellow Ranger
Succeeded by:
Charlie "Chip" Thorn

[edit] Sydney Drew

Sydney "Syd" Drew (portrayed by Alycia Purrott is the S.P.D. Pink Ranger. Her parents worked at S.P.D. and were involved with the creation of the Delta Morphers, which altered Syd's DNA, giving her the ability to change her hand into any material she touches. Her family is very wealthy. She was on the B-Squad along with Bridge Carson and Sky Tate.

Her life before S.P.D. is not clear. Multiple references during the show imply that she has many talents, including being an excellent fencer, pop star, and model. Despite her flagrant vanity and occasional selfishness, she is very caring and compassionate, and is often the first to stand up for someone when they are being treated wrong.

Her assigned S.P.D. number is 5.

Preceded by:
Jen Scotts
Pink Ranger
Succeeded by:
Vida Rocca

[edit] Doggie Cruger

Main article: Anubis Cruger

Commander Anubis "Doggie" Cruger is the commander of Earth's S.P.D. branch. He also serves as the S.P.D. Shadow Ranger.

[edit] Sam

Main article: Omega Ranger

Sam was a young child in the year 2025 who befriended the Power Rangers and became an SPD cadet because he shared genetic powers with the B-Squad Rangers. In the year 2040, Sam had become the S.P.D. Omega Ranger and he travelled back in time to help the 2025 S.P.D. Rangers from having their world taken over by Emperor Grumm.

[edit] A-Squad Rangers

The A-Squad S.P.D. Rangers were the B-Squad Ranger's predecessors. When they disappeared in a battle against Grumm, B-Squad was promoted as the main S.P.D. Power Ranger team. When they returned, B-Squad was returned to its original position. However, A-Squad had been swayed to the Troobian forces and had become evil.

[edit] Dr. Kat Manx

Main article: Katherine Manx

Dr. Katherine "Kat" Manx was the science officer of Earth's S.P.D. branch. She has designed most of the Rangers weapons - and is Commander Cruger's trusted assistant and friend. Her home planet was also attacked by the Troobian Empire, so she has joined in S.P.D.'s fight against evil.

She may be just a lab technician, but she can hold her own. With a temporary Morpher she become the Kat Ranger to stop an old friend with a grudge. Although her time as a Ranger was limited to an hour, she realizes the Rangers need her skills on Earth. When Commander Cruger and B-Squad are captured, she is one of the ones who leads the remaining S.P.D. Cadets into battle against the invading Troobian Empire.

[edit] Nova Ranger

Main article: Nova Ranger

The S.P.D. Nova Ranger was Sam's superior officer in the year 2040. She also travelled to the past to assist the 2025 S.P.D. team.

Power Rangers Characters by Era and Generation
General: List of characters | Minor characters
Ranger colors: Red Ranger | Yellow Ranger | Blue Ranger | Black/Green Ranger | Pink/White Ranger | Other Rangers and Ranger-like Allies
Zordon I Jason Lee Scott | Trini Kwan | Zack Taylor | Kimberly Hart | Billy | Tommy Oliver
II Rocky | Adam Park | Aisha Campbell
III-IV Katherine Hillard | Ninjor | Aquitian Rangers | Tanya Sloan | Trey of Triforia
V-VI Justin Stewart | Blue Senturion | Carlos Vallertes | Ashley Hammond | Cassie Chan | T.J. Johnson | Phantom Ranger | Andros | Zhane
VII-X Lost Galaxy Power Rangers | Magna Defender | Lightspeed Rescue Power Rangers | Time Force Power Rangers | Quantum Ranger | Wild Force Power Rangers
New Zealand
Ninja Storm Power Rangers | Dino Thunder Power Rangers | S.P.D. Power Rangers | Mystic Force Power Rangers | Clare